feminine apologetic in politics

April 20th, 2021 by

For example, I play soccer and always play with my hair up in a ponytail, as do most female soccer players. For example, we discussed how some girls would say sorry after stating their opinion setting a tone that they were apologizing that they had a independent perspective. A Tether Between Politics & Gospel It is often asserted — even by some Christians — that they do not want their “politics and religion mixed.” This is a good indicator that they probably do not understand their own religion for at least two reasons: 1- Jesus got involved in politics. I understand that if you are in a photo that the whole world is going to see that you want to look good, but why can’t this be done with your hair in a ponytail. I can see by your statistics and charts that it is true that overall some women aren’t making as much as men… by default. Early Christian writers (c. 120–220) who defended their beliefs against critics and recommended their faith to outsiders were called Christian apologists. The apologetic from gender is consistent with a CAE interpretive proof. I’m right with you on option B! If women are not given a raise when asked and are often looked down upon when they do, then what would push them to ask for the raise? The numbers I give (and the numbers the infographic gives) are the averages over the entire population, and they are indeed accurate–from the US Department of Labor Statistics. Sport in Society, 18(2), 155-167. doi: 10.1080/17430437.2013.854515. … [It] is careful and nonpolemical; it does an excellent job of situating the phenomenon of apology in the wider field of redress politics; and it navigates admirably and sensitively through the specific details and histories of the relevant cases. Why aren’t men always portrayed in this light? Maybe a guy tries to talk to a girl, and she’s not interested. I don’t know how we can really fix this problem, but at least aol was trying to be realistic here. AND we would say sorry for no reason. As someone far more eloquent than me said in a blog post that is truly wonderful reading: The way men and women interact on a daily basis is the way they interact when rape occurs. I froze. 2- We are commanded to love all people and to share the gospel with the world. While the masculine noun prostates can mean “leader,” the actual feminine noun prostatis means “protectress, patroness, helper” (Arndt and Gingrich, 1957, p. 718). She ran away from the house of the man she did not want to marry and married the man of her choice. For black women, that value falls to 70 cents and for Hispanic women it falls even further to 60 cents for every dollar a man makes. Which answer best defines the term "feminine apologetic" in discussions about gender, fashion and politics? And to fix the wage gap, we need to look at the underlying causes behind it. Don’t businesses look for people like that? To put it colloquially, just because a woman resorts to “bitching” to get what she wants, doesn’t necessarily mean that she’s aggressive. But even if you should suffer for righteousness’ sake, you will be blessed. Perhaps it should not surprise us that secular higher education has long since discarded the image of femininity as utterly irrelevant to anything that really matters, but it is calamitous when Christian higher education follows suit. Where is God in the suffering of the world? The most extensive treatment to date of women s experiences in team sports, Higher Goals provides an ethnographic account of the Blades, a Canadian team that plays at the highest levels of women s hockey. Yet such adaptations of men’s fashion and styles are rarely without small feminine touches. This does make one think. A group of Catholic women in France has launched a manifesto to underscore the “beauty of the women's specific vocation.” Or are the cases just not being as common any more? (Q002) The feminine apologetic is a. sitting folded up on oneself with the legs crossed at the knee. Thank you, consecrated women! Each of these stations has 5 or more other stations, and most of the time from early in the morning until noon or so, they show re-runs of the highlights from the previous night. To the outside, a woman’s choice to wear what is considered “typical male attire” within the workforce can be seen as being apologetic for the fact she chooses to step outside the realm of what is considered to be feminine attire. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Next, Cat Ariail ponders the experiences of Lilly King and Gabby Douglas, wondering if the tropes of “apologetic behavior” and the “feminine bargain” changed or evolved during the Rio Games. dissonance between being a woman and an athlete termed the ―feminine apologetic‖ (Felshin, 1974), which researchers continue to find in ordinary players, is in elite sport a cynical, image-protecting strategy for addressing the ambivalence of others. We wore pencil skirts or dresses, tons of make up and heels. Moreover, I really like your point about women being considered aggressive where men are considered assertive. Because let’s be honest, who would back up the girl in option a? What they say is true, being assertive could ruin your job prospects. The apologetic inherent in the gospel message itself is once again made clear. I love this. Awesome post! Megan congratulations on a well written article. fifa.com A postura da Inglaterra em Wembley nesta quarta-feira, na vitória sobre a Hungria por 2 a 1, foi de quem tinha desculpas a pedir. Since receiving his B.A. I’m looking forward to checking back to this blog each month because think you make really insightful conclusions. I think that it brings up such a good point. At the same time, she worked for a long time to reach that accomplishment and, as you said, was viewed as demanding and sometimes even bitchy. apologetic definition: 1. showing that you feel sorry about having caused someone problems or unhappiness: 2. showing…. Usually, option b works out. The problem comes with the small percentage of the time something does go wrong, the percentage of the time a guy interprets her politeness as interest and pursues it too far, and then a girl is stuck with a label of “asking for it” or “leading him on” because she didn’t scream at him to get away from her. Or (gasp!) Any behaviours that female athletes engage in to emphasize their femininity. In university, dressing to the nines when going out was a persistent habit. Verbal Sparring and Apologetic Points: Politeness in Gendered Argumentation Contexts S ... binds that urge social and political change. ( Log Out /  (2010). ... feminine discourse strategies are likely to result in “weak” or “apologetic” points that damage women’s argument success. It’s unfortunate that this stigma exists, but I do not know how to deal with it. “The social construction of sport [is] a space where hegemonic masculinity is defined, … and sport participation [is] associated with masculine traits, such as aggression, strength, power, dominance, and violence” (Hardy, 2015, p. 155). Female apologetic behaviour, in sport, exists to combat the masculine and lesbian stereotypes associated with female sport participation. And it needs to end. In high school, on game days we were required to dress up to show professionalism. I’m not sure… but it’ll be interesting to read your blogs about this topic throughout the semester! Key issues in the sociology of sport and gender studies are explored, including the construction of community among women athletes; the “feminine apologetic” and pressures on athletes to conform to feminine ideals; homophobia and the experiences of lesbian athletes; and physicality and women’s experience in contact sports. For example, the Olympic gold medalist curler, Jennifer Jones’, is the skip, a dominant and authoritative position within the sport of curling. We’d spend hours getting ready just to prove to others that we had ‘more to offer’ than what could be seen in our baggy jerseys and shorts. will then be discussed in detail, to show not only that bisexuality struggled to position itself within liberationist politics but also the significance of this struggle for our understanding of radicalism in the 1970s. And, be assured, it is not going to simply disappear. Podcast: Download (38.0MB) Subscribe: RSS David L. Paulsen received an associates degree from Snow College in English in 1957, a bachelors degree from BYU in Political Science in 1961 (in which he was BYU’s valedictorian), a JD from the University of Chicago Law School in 1964, and a Ph.D. in philosophy from the University of Michigan in 1975, with emphasis in the philosophy of religion. My mom began her own successful business that she now shares with my dad. The female ‘apologetic’ behavior within Canadian women’s rugby: athlete perceptions and media influences. When I was young, my mother told me it was more important to be smart than feminine. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. We wanted to show them that we were more than athletes with muscles, bruised knees and were feminine as all get out. She could have been a little bit more polite to him, he was trying to be nice by showing a little bit of interest! “I looked the word up in the dictionary, it said: Feminist: a person who believes in the social, political, and economic equality of the sexes. It increases the wage gap, it decreases the number of women in leadership positions, and it … I want female athletes to make more money, so they do not have to sell themselves in any other form than their athleticism. She certainly made more than the men in that company. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. This was also my topic for my discussion group and I found it very interesting to research the female apologetic and put a name to things that have bothered me for a long time in sport. “Chris Hayes is what every man would be if feminists ever achieve absolute power in this country,” Carlson said of the MSNBC host. I know, that as an elite athlete in high school and university, it’s definitely present in amateur and collegiate levels. I admit to not watching professional female athletes on t.v., but I never knew where to find them. It is hard to see professional female athletes say that they have worked with companies to sell themselves as sexy versus what they can do athletically. Again, GREAT post! These examples demonstrate that “women are still confined to two acceptable roles, sex object or mother, both of which trivialize their athletic abilities and inherent value” (Hardy, 2015, p. 157). I wish all potgniss were this good. It was such an attention grabbing topic that deserves more attention than it receives; so I was happy to see your blog post when looking for ones to comment on! You are present and active in every area of life-social, economic, cultural, artistic and political. Somehow, the feminine aesthetic has become intrinsically connected to hairlessness, despite the fact that my growth into womanhood meant that hair would grow on my body. Unsurprisingly, it’s a complex issue, with everything from industry distribution of women to childcare options to maternity leave to institutionalized sexism playing a role. I guess I don’t like to think about the stigmas, but they are real. 2- We are commanded to love all people and to share the gospel with the world. Op-Ed: The feminine apology . Throughout history, women have been raised to be polite and subservient individuals. People would assume he was gay ( and how does that affect salary since some are women on the inside). But maybe the most frustrating part of this whole situation is the fact that women  actually face punishment socially for the very act of negotiating a salary–more so than a man does. When Jess* started a “really prestigious” new job in her thirties, she knew within a matter of weeks that she and her boss wouldn’t get on. Many people complain that women’s issues in America is no longer a problem but clearly –as you demonstrated– we still have a lot of work to do. Advancing women’s sport today proves to be a vicious cycle; increasing media exposure, sponsorships, and viewers seems to only be possible when female athletes degrade themselves and their sport, and focus on their sexuality and the physical appeal of their sport. The first reason I thought for the wage gap was definitely that it was either because since there are much less women working than men, they are not equal in salary either and they are gradually working to a 1:1 ratio with an average male salary, as unfair as that seems. Of future use to some of you. But while serious issues can arise for women based on these societal and cultural expectations in the workplace, even more serious ones can occur in the outside world–where relationships are fuzzy, messages are misinterpreted, and women are still told to be nice, and sweet, and occasionally flirtatious even if they don’t really want to be. My voice could not be heard in any other way. -Harriet Jay. All this media attention on our appearance is hard on girls and women, anorexia is a concern and focusing on people’s appearance is not helping. Christian apologetics represents the serious and sustained engagement with ‘ultimate questions’ raised by culture, people group, or individual aiming to show how the Christian faith is able to provide meaningful answers to such questions. This may be harmful, particularly to young females, as it demonstrates that girl’s/women’s athletic dreams and ambitions do not matter, because being a wife and a mom should be the primary focus in your life, your main role, and what you will be known for. Women have come such a long way from where they were 40 years ago and I think it’s great what the feminists of the 60’s did for us but we still aren’t done yet. Therefore, it is important for coaches and parents to emphasize the importance of physical performance and not physical appearance in young athletes. “1) Always appear in feminine attire when not actively engaged in practice or playing ball … At no time may a player appear in the stands in her uniform, or wear slacks or shorts in public. I am the captain of one of the only women’s soccer teams in the Occidental co-ed intramural soccer league. Very informative and passionate post! It would make sense that a woman would make less money than a male if she did not complete the job as efficiently as a man. If I were to take care of myself in a world I … The requirement that women balance their appropriation of masculine interests, traits, and activities with feminine performance. When women are more “feminine and apologetic”, the social cost for negotiating the raise goes down (even if the likelihood of actually getting the raise doesn’t change). The daughters of the First Wave believed that feminine dignity could be further promoted through women acquiring authentic political power. It increases the wage gap, it decreases the number of women in leadership positions, and it increases the prevalence of rape. Being feminine meant I was weak. Early Christian writers who defended their beliefs against critics and recommended their faith to outsiders were called Christian apologists. This occurs in many forms including the wearing of overtly feminine clothing and jewellery, the emphasis of feminine aesthetics like long finger nails, … I can only hope that when I venture out and have a job, I have the determination to make sure I am respected for my skills. The women’s Olympic beach volleyball uniform and television coverage of the sport places a priority on the sexualisation and physical appeal of the athletes and the sport, over the comfort and skill level of the athletes, by focusing on the athletes’ body and not the sport. I like the point Adelina makes about men with more feminine tendencies, and whether or not those affect their yearly earnings. So is this really true in most cases? Last week, I woke in the middle of the night to the figure of a man standing over my bed, backlit by the gentle glow of a hallway lamp. The Bible in various places uses feminine imagery to refer to the Holy Spirit — imagery that goes a long way back in both Catholic and ancient Jewish tradition. Apologetics (from Greek ἀπολογία, "speaking in defense") is the religious discipline of defending religious doctrines through systematic argumentation and discourse. Women will realize themselves as they are, and not as beings comparative to or in response to men. how feminine items like pearls or ruffles on women's professional attire are done as to not to be considered "too masculine/powerful" or a "lesbian" Have no fear of them nor be troubled, but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense (apologia) to anyone who asks you for a reason (logos) for the hope that is within you: yet do it with gentleness and respect (ESV).. In masculine discourse contexts that seem to favour aggression and adversariality, feminine discourse strategies are likely to result in “weak” or “apologetic” points that damage women’s argument success. This God who loves us unconditionally is also willing to totally forgive us all our misdeeds and forgive us in Christ. Gender-medicine has been very successful in discovering gaps in medical knowledge, disclosing biases in earlier research, and generating new results. I loved especially how you addressed that girls are expected to be “nice” and “polite” in social settings. The problem, of course, is not simply in recognizing the problem–it’s in fixing it. ... dered feminine and females may be gendered masculine). a) say “Look, I’m not interested, you need to stop talking to me RIGHT     THIS SECOND OR I WILL SCREAM.”. A man is considered assertive where a woman is considered agressive, a man is considered savvy where a woman is considered pushy. My english teacher from high school one day in class wrote down how many times the girls said sorry in contrast to the guys to exemplify this exact issue that you are discussing. Finally, based on his anecdotal observations watching the Olympics second-hand (i.e. Curioso…Se isto não é "Agir para prevenir" então o que é?Se não disserem o que precisam como "Quem quer e gosta de colaborar fará isso sem que lhe peçam" ? As a female soccer player, I have never personally felt like I had to compensate for my athleticism but I have definitely had teammates that I feel have displayed some of these behaviours. This has made my day. No. The politics and priorities of GLF and C.H.E. An example of this would be a type of blue-collared job where sufficient strength is needed to complete the job, such as a type of construction job. The man is the head of the house, it is the job of the woman to keep her husband happy at all times, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. It’s surprising that AOL didn’t see how sexist they were being, but it is completely apparent if you change the word “woman” to “man” in the article. Of course, this is but a small view of the potential of women around the world. As an economist, I like to argue for Christianity as an efficient worldview. For example: -Having a happy family -Expressing their love for cooking -Maintaining a petite figure -Wearing make-up while competing -Wearing clothing Considering that people who don’t fit the norm often experience more bulling and exclusion, trying to fit in in society and sports is a concern to females, so when it requires money to do it places additional barriers to low income individuals. I attempt to revivify narrative frames of … It is used both ways in 1 Timothy—as “female” (2:9-12,14) and as “wife” (3:2,12; 5:9). Great post Megan! I should like him … Female apologetic behaviour is more visible in elite level sport because of commercialization and media portrayal. It is possible that it is precisely because of feminism’s under-developed ontology that such explicitly political goals could be made the final goal. During a recent game, I defended a player on the other team when we collided in a struggle for the ball. I think you gave a really panoramic perspective in this blog post. We also, however, want to be respectful and loving in our attitudes and words to our neighbors. Females are slowly taking over whether men accept that or not. https://www.bethinking.org/apologetics/an-introduction-to-christian-apologetics ( Log Out /  The text is structured by a narrator's apologetic introduction, excerpts from the prison diary, and then a description of the martyrdom of Perpetua and Felicity in the Roman arena at Carthage. Do less assertive and aggressive men make less money? I would agree with Alyssa A and say that in no way am I really a “feminist”, because I think that some feminists take that to mean that women are better than men and deserve better treatment than men, but I do enjoy discussing gender equality. If I want a raise, I’m going to suggest it to my boss and if he says no then I will demand specific examples as to why he thinks otherwise. Could you imagine a male doing these kinds of things? Female apologetic behaviour, in sport, exists to combat the masculine and lesbian stereotypes associated with female sport participation. The Female Apologetic What is the female apologetic? a … Female athletes “are always framed by their status as both athletes and women” (Hardy, 2015, p. 156). I’m super glad to know that I’ll be getting paid the absolute lowest salary, cool. CNA Staff, Feb 20, 2021 / 15:11 pm America/Denver (CNA). I have to admit that I’m one of those girls who would choose option A, but in a kinder way. It’s ridiculous. Women have always been expected to be nice, gentle, or submissive, and you’ve explained some logical consequences to these characteristics. Gender as Apologetic. ). I think that is one thing ESPN or TSN can do, is provide more television for the female athletes. The rules of feminine behavior that were most generally acknowledged required of women two principal virtues: silence and chastity. Contributions in the works submitted include re-theorizing the ―feminine apologetic‖ with regard to elite champions, documentation and interpretation of agency and constraint in the career of Martina Navratilova, identifying and modelling the backlash role of gymnastics, and interrogating the gender frontier; all are critically analysed here. As a result, the feminist revolution will take a more positive step in the society by offering a feminine direction. The shortage of masculine virtues affects society and the political system. Studies have shown that people are less likely to want to work with a woman who negotiated for a raise or a higher salary because they were perceived to be “less nice and more demanding”. Hegemonic femininity is the sociologically “correct” version of women, which includes white, heterosexual, and middle-to-high class women. I know many women that are high up in their company, have power over a lot of men that work for them, and even make 2 times as much as many other men in their company! “The issue of my tone in emails came up,” says Jess. Exploring Levels of Student-Athlete Burnout at two Canadian Universities. Another way to look at it is this–there are eighteen women who are CEO’s of Fortune 500 companies. After a while, it came to a head in a meeting. Additionally, hegemonic femininity is defined by traits such as “submissiveness, dependency, concern over physical appearance and emotional ability” (Hardy, 2015, p. 155). And Lanni Marchant who is advocating for female body image in sport, by combatting the issue that female athletes’ appearance and uniforms attract more attention than their performances. In one class I think the girls said “sorry” five times more often than the boys. This article notes two new apologetic arguments. She felt micro-managed and frustrated, while he was often passive aggressive about her work. This can be achieved by selecting athletes based on their talent and not physical appearance, which is particularly important in aesthetic sports. It has become horribly apparent that I am an apologetic feminist. It seems as if our masculine, patriarchal history and origins is still dominating the workplace today. A special feature at this conference is a program for children in third to sixth grade, called WIA Kids, and … M super glad to know that I think it is definitely an important topic often! 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