globalization, culture and the problem of identity

April 20th, 2021 by

Baldev’s identity as a child and a school boy was defined by his community, language, religion and culture. Sapienza University of Rome, Department of Economics and Law, and Euricse, Globalization, Culture and Identity: Challenges and Prospects, International Conference on Globalization, Culture and Identity, Last date for submission of selected papers, Academics and practitioners (from India):  Rs 3000, Participants (desirous of participating but not presenting): Rs 500 (without meals). Increasingly, young people use digital spaces to build relationships, express opinions and assert desires. While culture, under the pressures and dynamics of technology and globalization, is undeniably becoming more and more a “hybrid phenomenon,” the dialectics of cultural identity have taught us that this process is not irreversible, and certainly more complex than the advocates of a “New World Order” under the aegis of Western “ Leitkultur ” (lead culture) are prepared to admit. Migration and Diaspora The discourse regarding the effects of globalization on cultural diversity is a challenging debate. Along with peers, family and school, digital media plays a central role in shaping the lives of children and young people today. These reflections of crash between eastern and western culture project- Next, the argument is made that with the opening up of plural developmental pathways for cultural identity formation come both risks and opportunities. Introduction of new technology has made it easier to reach these icons. The Media, Globalization and the Problem of National Identity: A Canadian Perspective. How does the individual engage with her religious practice in the face of militant assertions on religious, secular and atheist fronts? Media and Identity Culture identity and globalization are connected to each other because globalization has been developed remarkably throughout the past decants, so as the result globalization has been impacted each and every single … 2.1 Mass-media and homogenization of culture The advancement of technology dissolves international boundaries and opens cultures to a whole new arena (Smith, 2000), enabling globalization to occur. There are many perspectives on how identities are connected through globalization. There remains an urgent need to advance our understanding of how media proliferates spaces- local, regional, and global. This is most apparent in the information obtain some of which reflect interest and goals. The accommodation charges are separate. Globalization has been the dominant force in shaping the arts since 1989. In fact, culture issues are 3,000 new books annually, covering a wide range of subjects including biomedicine and the life sciences, clinical medicine, Do calls for equality and abolition of caste and religion based reservation address or maintain disparity? Select the purchase The International Conference on Globalization, Culture and Identity will be held at the Department of Social Sciences, Faculty of Liberal Education, of the FLAME University, Pune, Bangalore, India, on 25th and 26th February, 2017. Globalization also influences our cultural identity and affinity groups. Request Permissions. The images, symbols dance forms and artifacts are the integral part of any culture. Even as diversity and pluralism are celebrated, cosmopolitan impulses struggle at the altar of crisis-induced xenophobia. The encounters and relationships between ancient civilizations and the colonization processes initiated during the Age of Discoveries were … Get a verified writer to help you with Globalization and Cultural Identity. In what ways does communication technology shape the everyday lives of young people transitioning to adulthood in urban and rural spaces, and what does it imply for the future of ideas, relationships, work, and social change? Globalization lends itself to cultural homogenization that is the world becoming culturally similar (Back et al. This begs the question of development for whom, and at what cost? Migration of all sorts, legal/illegal/refugee movement etc., across the globe not only just impacts the economy and polity of the sending, transit and receiving countries but also compels nation-states to respond to issues like ‘super diversity’, ‘national identity and culture’, demographic changes, ‘home-grown terrorism’ and so on. exposure to foreign culture can undermine their own cultural identity. We … For terms and use, please refer to our Terms and Conditions Culture in its various forms now serves as a primary carrier of globalization and modern values, and constitutes an important arena of contestation for national, religious, and ethnic identity. This panel intends to explore the range of urgent challenges confronting caste and religion in contemporary times. International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society physics, engineering, mathematics, computer sciences, and economics. Religion too struggles against nihilistic aporias, and nation-states struggle to retain the loyalty of their citizens. This panel intends to highlight the ways in which organizations and related identity struggles impact each other. His studies abroad and professional work opened a whole new world for him. Some focus on the economic aspect and emphasize on the global Each culture can choose for itself what it wants to keep and want it wants to share. However, it does not need to threaten it. Hire verified writer $35.80 for a 2-page paper. Because of international trade, you can buy their food from supermarkets or food courts. Corporations on Local Mores One of the principal concerns about the new globalization of culture that is supposedly taking place is that it not only leads In what ways does this virtual society lead to the creation of new and/or multiple identities, and what does it imply for social, economic, private and political futures? This is a true problem that I’ve been seeing all over the world, and the main reason behind it is unfortunately Globalization. Conference email id: [email protected]. Universalism is challenged everywhere by resurgent particularisms. Globalization may lead to misrepresentation of the culture. Having a different skin color or a different set of beliefs doesn’t put … In effect, in the Caribbean as elsewhere, the contemporary state can now no longer lay on its citizens any sort of exclusive claim to cultural identity or attempts to … Development and Displacement Technology both blinds and informs; deadens and resurrects. Themes examined in the journal include: changing patterns in world economic and political institutions; new configurations of ethnic groups, social classes, religions, personal networks, and special interests; the social effects of changes in mass culture, propaganda, and technologies of communication; and the impact of social transformations on the changing order of public and private life. It can interconnect the world, support economic development, provide information availability and assist in developing a global village (… Keywords: Globalization, Pakistan, Westernization, Youth cultural Identity. It may result as a loss of culture or individual identity. However, the cultural similarities we now share center on capitalist enterprises including fashion and … Abstracts must include context, purpose, methodology, major findings, implications and key words Abstracts, along with a brief bio-data should be sent to [email protected]. Globalization is a process of growing exchange, interaction and integration between people, governments and private organizations across the globe. ©2000-2021 ITHAKA. Limited accommodation is available on campus. The interplay of multiple identities in the modern day arena of work and organisations has led to unprecedented challenges for individuals and collectives, often at the crossroads of political and socio-economic changes, and in the process continues to unravel novel dilemmas. Organisations and Identity The Influence of U.S. CULTURAL IDENTITY CRISIS IN THE AGE OF GLOBALIZATION AND TECHNOLOGY Mustafa KOÇ University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign ABSTRACT The purpose of this paper is to bring together various elements that portray the complex conceptuality of cultural identity within technological society. Globalization in its current instantiation is the fusion of capitalism and advanced technologies, also called “techno-capital”. The main objective of this chapter is to justify whether cultural globalization is a threat to local identity. Check out using a credit card or bank account with. International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society. Globalization and Cultural Identity – The Perspective of Contemporary Art Dessislava Dimova | Eckhart J. Gillen Introduction This paper focuses on contemporary art as an indicator and avant-garde of global developments in general. Using the Social Identity Theory (SIT), we argue that the globally-oriented consumer shares cosmopolitan values and identifies with the global community. Technology allows us to eliminate communication boundaries and interact with each other on a global scale. Nowadays, it became a commonplace practice among social scientists to refer to the process of Globalization as such that results in depriving people of their sense of national/cultural identity. We then examine culture as a problem of identity in an era of globalization. Migration of all sorts, legal/illegal/refugee movement etc., across the globe not only just impacts the economy and polity of the sending, transit and receiving countries but also compels nation-states to … This panel accordingly, seeks to augment discussions and conversations on media, culture, and identity. ture and high culture. Everyday experiences in real and online spaces also involve encountering new knowledge, risks and pleasures. Dominant monoculture stands against local, national and traditional cultures with the progress of the process of disintegration of traditional value patterns. At this juncture, it is useful to pause and explore critical questions and concerns confronting our society. Youth and Identity In a globalized world, increasingly marked also by new fundamentalisms, how do individuals and groups articulate their ideas about poverty, equality, justice and development? Contemporary globalization it was presumed, would unhinge, and edge away older pivots of organizing private and public lives. Yet today, we witness a fevered reassertion of caste and religious identities by both, those who were hitherto protected, as also those who remain disadvantaged by caste and religious ascriptions. The unprecedented pace of globalization, especially in the last two decades, has impacted every aspect of our public and private lives. option. However, the consequences of globalization might become beneficial if developing a global outlook and transnational competencies occur. Globalization vs. Culture: The Loss Of Identity A good friend of mine and I were chatting earlier today when the subject turned to how so many countries and people are losing their identity. We witness on the one hand the rapid unravelling of relationships, affinities, and political structures, and on the other hand confront the rise of spontaneous solidarities in real and virtual spaces. As the globalization process strengthens problems of cultural integrity and identity are more prevalent. 2012). JSTOR is part of ITHAKA, a not-for-profit organization helping the academic community use digital technologies to preserve the scholarly record and to advance research and teaching in sustainable ways. This panel intends to address the multiple and fascinating ways in which consumer culture and communication technology shapes the lives of young people in urban and rural India. 1. With regard to risks, the present focus is on cultural identity confusion and mental health, and the emergence of cultural gaps within families between adolescents and their parents or elders. In the age of transnational corporations with globally spread apart chains of production, distribution and consumption, what is the role of identity politics of nations and nationals? The Conference aims not just to gather a critical mass of ideas but also emerge as a launching pad for future research collaborations. Globalization and Identity Essay. Multinationals may seek to impose their policies on the workforce. pertinent question, the paper discusses global identity and cultural challenges facing the world as man seeks to globalize, identify and transform the society in which we live. identity living happily in diaspora in multicultural states elsewhere. The deadline for the submission of abstracts is 30th September, 2016. Participants will be intimated upon acceptance of abstract and thereafter they are required to submit the registration form along with full paper. Globalization can be an empowering entity. Contemporary globalization has impacted the social, cultural, Introduction Globalization is a comprehensive phenomenon, and has been defined in several ways. Globalization does affect cultural identity. This panel seeks to explore the profound implications of such movements on global, state, and non-state actors, on diasporic populations, and the larger socio-economic and cultural fabrics in a rapidly changing international, national and regional context. Is it necessary to engage caste in order to transcend it? There is a crucial debate whether cultural globalization thrives or deteriorates local identity. What do we make of the claims of fluid identity formations and unhinged paths of transnational capitalism? It produces forces that both homogenize and differentiate identity. All Rights Reserved. These may be embraced as well as resisted by employees. Submitted papers must NOT have been previously presented, scheduled for presentation, published, accepted for publication and if under review must not appear in print before the conference. In this way, every culture might find itself all the better for its exposure to other cultures. Countless technological innovations authored by globalization have resulted in the automation of production processes, continuous modernization and upgrading of work techniques, creation of virtual communities, and massive transformations in the meaning of geography and borders. Can those who are not dispossessed speak for those who are? Migration, as part of the inevitable reality of globalisation, is among the most serious contemporary concerns with far-ranging social, cultural, political, economic, demographic and ecological implications. This item is part of a JSTOR Collection. Does religion lend itself to the expression of socio-economic, political and ethnic grievances, or is religion itself the bone of contention. Cultural globalization and local identity are two indivisible words. Is religion political, and should it be? The journal is interdisciplinary in orientation and international in scope. A lot of the problems The issues of political and economic steadiness in globalization, of course, are there and closely intertwined with the maintenance of cultural identity. Culture encompasses traditions, norms, and ethics that give meaning to the social identity of an individual or a group of people and can be passed from generation to generation. Detailed guidelines for submission of full papers will be intimated to the selected participants. The issue of preserving cultural identity in the complex process of globalization is twofold. In the popular rhetoric of development, defined mostly as economic growth, what kind of future can be imagined for the poor, displaced and marginalized? We find that although both globalization and American primacy evoke cultural backlash, the reaction takes very dif ferent forms in modern societies than elsewhere. Caste and Religion This ceaseless movement of products, processes, and people has irrevocably transformed human cultures across the world in dramatic ways. Springer is one of the leading international scientific publishing companies, publishing over 1,200 journals and more than The list is anything, but complete. It broke all geographical barriers and brought him in contact with people of different cultures, languages, races, nationalities and ideologies. After nearly four decades of debating globalization in the public sphere, not only are we yet to exhaust our discussions and dialogues on its impacts, we are faced rather with a new range of urgent concerns. Culture identity is a feeling or identities that belong to a group or individuals, and globalization is a process between international nations, companies by international trade and investment. This may well describe the Caribbean situation. On the one hand there is the danger of cultural homogenization, which means that people could reach to one This panel seeks to gauge the alienation of products and processes, the displacement of populations, and the destruction of environments that are a part and parcel of the globalization process. globalization on culture and identity 68. Canada, like other countries, is being challenged in every aspect of its economic, political and cultural life by the impact of globalization. We will not, however, go into great depth to discuss the two issues today except their direct implications on cultural identity. Global society has witnessed the phenomenon of media and its effect on individual, national and transnational identities over the past several decades and there is a paradigmatic shift in the understanding of identity today. International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society publishes original peer-reviewed papers on issues that arise at the intersections of nations, states, civil societies, and global institutions and processes. We live in liminal times; in threshold times. But the most common one is that people are becoming more connected and interdependent. It is not tied to any theoretical or research tradition and encourages articles of varying length, from research notes to article-length monographs. Ultimately, this is not so much a clash between civilizations as a clash within civilizations. Media plays a significant role in the construction of cultural identities and it is axiomatic that global interconnections enabled by digital media are playing a central role in the transformations of these identities. Knowledge creation and dissemination are increasingly decentralized and democratized, yet more and more people speak past each other, instead of to each other. Another common concern was the impact of globalization on culture and identity. Accepted papers will be published in conference proceedings. What are the changes and continuities in organizations and work cultures in these new circumstances? Some saw it as “threatening traditional institutions such as the family and the school”, or threatening the way of life of whole communities. What are the multiple ways in which media helps individuals question new expressions of caste, class and patriarchy? Access supplemental materials and multimedia. On the other hand, globalization is increasing interaction between the economy of a country and that of the First World. In what ways do new-media facilitate the expression of multiple and fluid identity formations, and unhinged paths of transnational capitalism? However, development is not without strings; oftentimes, with modernization come displacement and disorientation. The arguments between the drawbacks and positive effects in cultural identity and ethnic diversity have been the … For example, you don’t have to travel to India to experience their food and culture. Globalization has been a very popular issue in the world. The scale and scope of developmental changes brought about by globalization in various arenas is truly staggering- from handling double-dip recessions to trading raw materials for making nuclear weapons, from switching to e-governance to developing public private partnerships, from storing information in clouds to enrolling for a one-way mission to the Mars, from predicting Tsunamis to fixing oil-spills in great seas. We hope to continue our discourses and debates on the prospects and challenges that lay ahead for individuals and societies to sustain in the globalized world, on all of the above themes and even those that are not captured within this range of concerns. © 2002 Springer In fact, globalization has common themes with postmodernism since it implies an abundance of images, hyper-reality, multiplicities of identities, consumerism, and self effacement. Assistance will be provided in booking accommodation at reasonable rates in convenient locations in the city. The word globalization is used in different meaning for different people across the globe. Read your article online and download the PDF from your email or your account. International trade, capital flows, migration, technological transfer and cultural exchanges are some of the typical manifestations of this process. However, this difference or originality that we have should not pull us down. Globalization is marked by workforce diversity, team work and collaborations across cultures. Globalization is state that created via human pastime and its slowly altering people behavior and activities and has help them shaping the communities. IMPACT OF GLOBALIZATION ON CULTURE: The continuing world-wide growth of access to internet is being mirrored by an equally discernible rise in its use by ethnic ideological and national groups anxious to assert their culture identity (Obiora; 2002). Do opportunities opened up by globalization help individuals and communities break out of the rigid structures of caste and religion? In this light, we invite well researched papers, both theoretical and empirical from various disciplines to this knowledge-building platform. JSTOR®, the JSTOR logo, JPASS®, Artstor®, Reveal Digital™ and ITHAKA® are registered trademarks of ITHAKA. Conference Registration fees are inclusive of meals and conference kit, Mode of payment: NEFT To me personally, globalization is natural evolution of mankind and cultural identities are as present as ever. This has led to the evolution of new identities for human beings and a new segment of assimilation; new ideas, new strategies of work, existence and governance are being shared worldwide. Although reactions in Europe, Japan, and other societies where modern values prevail, tend to be symbolic, in areas of the developing world, especially in Muslim countries where traditional values and radically different notions of identity and society predominate, reactions tend to be very intense and redirected at external targets through forms of transference and scapegoating. Migration, as part of the inevitable reality of globalisation, is among the most serious contemporary concerns with far-ranging social, cultural, political, economic, demographic and ecological implications. 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