gramsci modern prince

April 20th, 2021 by

As an entity, Sardinia was oppressed by the mainland; as a reflection of the social order prevalent on the Italian peninsula, the island’s own social order reflected the pattern, prevalent in Italy, of oppression by the powerful over the weak. To develop such an understanding, much more is required: The history will have to be written of a particular mass of men who have followed the founders of the party, sustained them with their trust, loyalty and discipline, or criticized then “realistically” by dispersing or remaining passive before certain initiatives. 34 It is only in January-February 1932, in Q 8, §21, however, that Gramsci … Lenin and Trotsky, as Gramsci was aware, had by 1921 begun to sense the problem, but Lenin was preoccupied with Russia and soon to die, and Trotsky, also beset with other difficulties, was unable to develop his insights beyond the level of tactics. Frightened by the workers’ militancy, however, the landed aristocracy and industrialists concluded that a right-wing counter-force was needed, and they poured substantial resources into the rising fascist movement led by ex-socialist Benito Mussolini. The conclusion compares and contrasts the two mythologies and shows how the two traditions converge and diverge in their symbolical interpretation of The Prince. The reason for this stress is partially polemical (i.e. Hence in such movements there exist multiple elements of ‘conscious leadership’ but no one of them is predominant or transcends the level of a given social stratum’s ‘popular science’ – its ‘common sense’ or traditional conception of the world. Moreover, history has proved to be ‘on Gramsci’s side’ in this respect. In fact Gramsci is concerned not with philosophy in the abstract, but with the concrete historical development of particular philosophies, and above all with their impact on the everyday thinking and ‘common sense’ of the masses. Without a mass party alliances will not be alliances between classes in a historical bloc but mere temporary co-operation between groups, which may often serve only to blur theoretical and programmatic differences. counterpose an energetic organizing campaign using the best and most conscious elements of the working class. The foundation of a new workers’ state also requires such political leadership – a ‘modern prince’. This element is endowed with great cohesive, centralising and disciplinary powers; also – and indeed this is perhaps the basis for the others – with the power of innovation ... An intermediate element, which articulates the first element with the second and maintains contact between them, not only physically but also morally and intellectually. But it intensified already existing pathologies, those contaminating “normal,” pre-pandemic life. Gramsci’s intellectual achievement would have powerful impact years after his death. Without these the party would not exist it is true, but it is also true that neither could it exist with these alone. As one observer at the time reported, he “dominated his own unhappiness with an iron will for study, making efforts way beyond the strength of his organism.” A brilliant student with a passion for reading (“I’m getting on like a house on fire,” he commented at the time), Gramsci won a scholarship that enabled him to enter the University of Turin in 1911. [44]. He had two humps, one in front and the other in back, giving him a deformed appearance,” Gramsci scholar Dante Germino tells us. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. ‘The modern Prince’, he argued, the myth-Prince, cannot be a … In other words, the proletarian counterpart to the organic intellectuals of the bourgeoisie – the industrial technicians, the political economists, the judges and lawyers etc. Thus Gramsci’s philosophy of praxis with its emphasis on conscious human agency in history and its rejection of all mechanical or rigid determinism led directly to the question of the revolutionary party and made him superbly equipped to deal with it. His presentation of the problem is a clear advance on that which was achieved by Rosa Luxemburg, the early Lenin or by Lukacs, and corresponds most closely to the position of the mature Lenin. Among the most important works embedded in the prison notebooks is the extensive essay “The Modern Prince,” composed between 1929 and 1934. Antonio Gramsci, The Modern Prince and Other Writings, op. Alluding to Machiavelli’s princes, Gramsci modified this in the spirit of the revolutionary party, the leadership of the revolutionary party, its strategy and tactics. Gramsci, using an analogy from military strategy, terms this ‘the war of position’, as against the previous ‘war of manoeuvre’. Gramsci’s concepts of hegemony, passive revolution, and the Modern Prince to understand the weakness of revolution-ary subjectivity. The enormous effort is reflected in the physical act of writing. Prediction reveals itself not as a scientific act of knowledge, but as the abstract expression of the effort made, the practical way of creating a collective will. Later in the year, however, he was arrested as the fascists consolidated their dictatorship. [6], If, for Gramsci, fatalism was akin to religion, then economic determinism was little better than superstition and a complete vulgarisation of marxism. 33 He continues to explore both the historical and theoretical significance of Machiavelli throughout notes written in 1931. Disgusted by the moderate Socialist sell-out, Gramsci and many others on the left end of the political spectrum concluded that a genuinely revolutionary workers’ party was needed. Gramsci, however, writes that: In reality one can ‘scientifically’ foresee only the struggle, but not the concrete moments of the struggle, which cannot but be the results of opposing forces in continuous movement, which are never reducible to fixed quantities since within them quantity is continually becoming quality. 39. Antonio Gramsci, The Modern Prince. Part of the Market Square-The Polity, Economy and Society Cambridge Research Group series. Thus any judgement of Gramsci’s theory of the party must be provisional. As he puts it: “In the formation of leaders, one premise is fundamental: is it the intention that there should always be rulers and ruled, or is it the objective to create the conditions in which this division is no longer necessary?”(21), Another difference between Machiavelli and Gramsci is that the theorist of the Middle Ages believed that leadership would be provided by individual heroes and villains–princes–whereas Gramsci believed that the modern prince  must be collective and can only be a political party, which is the focus of his text. Antonio Gramsci, Selections from the Prison Notebooks, op. [60]. 56. (30), The richness of Gramsci’s discussion is deepened as he takes up a variety of questions. [32] The struggle of the revolutionary party to undermine the consent given by the masses to the authority of the ruling class (which is secured through a thousand institutional and associational channels and penetrates deeply into everyday ‘common sense’ thought) and to establish its own hegemony must take place on three related levels. Polemicizing against the “mechanical and caricatured interpretation” of Russian revolutionary experience, Lenin insisted (in debates within the Communist International) that “in Europe, where almost all the proletarians are organized, we must win the majority of the working class and anyone who fails to understand this is lost to the Communist movement.” Thomas concludes: “Lenin’s advice on the need to win over the majority of the working class (understood in the broadest sense) as the sine qua non  of revolutionary politics, whether in East or West, before or after a successful assault on bourgeois state power, became Gramsci’s fundamental orientation.”(18). II The Modern PrinceBy the end of 1930, Machiavelli has become an important and abiding presence in Gramsci's research, as indicated by his name figuring twice (in the seventh and twentieth places) among the topics for 'principal essays' listed at the beginning of Q 8. cit., p. 227. Tel: 212-691-2555. It is also necessary, however, to carry out work in relation to non-proletarian intellectuals, though again Gramsci is clear about the limitations of this. was elitist and authoritarian to the extent that it envisaged the revolutionary transition as a project defined and led by a tightly-organized nucleus of professional cadres. A considerable amount of recent scholarship corroborates the understanding of Lenin’s thought referred to in the analyses by Davidson and Thomas. In his discussion of Gramsci’s open Marxism, Carl Marzani commented: “The deeper one’s Marxism, the less one’s dogmatism.” Frank Rosengarten–exploring Gramsci’s prison writings–makes a similar point. There seems to be a consensus among those who knew him and later scholars that had he openly espoused some of the positions he held shortly before imprisonment and while in prison, we would have been expelled from the Communist movement–his Communist brother Gennaro and his comrade Togliatti shielded him, refusing to transmit certain communications to higher authorities. [29] At other points in the Notebooks Gramsci poses the question of transition from war of manoeuvre to war of position differently – not in terms of Russia and the West, but in terms of time scale. 37. Such an understanding has been contested by certain influential Gramsci scholars, such as Carl Boggs and Anne Showstack Sassoon, each of whom has offered valuable discussions of Gramsci’s thought. hiding my states of mind behind a hard mask or behind an ironic smile.”(7). 22–23. [7], Gramsci sees ‘economism’ or syndicalism as a tendency in the working-class movement as derived more from laissez-faire liberalism [8] (the free play of economic forces) than from marxism, which aims through politics at the subordination of economic forces to man’s will. This is necessary not only because it undermines the exercise of bourgeois hegemony in general, but because Gramsci considers that the intellectuals play a key role in maintaining the system of alliances constructed by the ruling class with subordinate strata, and therefore can play a corresponding role in the system of alliances that must be constructed by the party of the proletariat. [25]. It can only be an organism, a complex element of society in which a collective will which has already been recognised and has to some extent asserted itself in action, begins to take concrete form. It contains the most important of Gramsci's notebooks, including the texts of The Modern Prince, and Americanism and Fordism, and extensive notes on the state … It is a science that can serve heroes and villains, democrats and reactionaries, those bent on self-defense and those bent on murder–the emancipatory goals of Marx and Lenin, but also the despotic designs of Mussolini and Stalin. The Prison Notebooks (Italian: Quaderni del carcere [kwaˈdɛrni del ˈkartʃere]) were a series of essays written by the Italian Marxist Antonio Gramsci.Gramsci was imprisoned by the Italian Fascist regime in 1926. In analyzing the local struggle among publishers, critics, and writers to define the meaning of the modernist venture, Antonio Gramsci's concept of "hegemony," with some adaptation, will prove useful. Gramsci’s Machiavellian Metaphor: Restaging The Prince In early 1932, over 2 years after beginning his carceral writing project, Gramsci wrote what were to become some of the most famous lines of the Prison Notebooks. With regard to Italy, Gramsci analyses the role of intellectuals in the southern agrarian bloc, where they acted as mediators between the peasants and the big landowners; and argues that a left tendency among the intellectuals is one of the prerequisites for breaking this bloc and securing the alliance of the peasantry with the proletariat. That means death for a man suffering from Pott’s disease, tuberculous lesions, arteriosclerosis, with arterial hypertension… in his prison-tomb of Turi do Bari, where all possibility of serious attention is lacking… So, he will die. The relation of military forces. Antonio Gramsci, The Southern Question, in The Modern Prince and Other Writings, New York 1972, pp. Subscribe to the Monthly Review e-newsletter (max of 1-3 per month). Yet in the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries, with his political commitments all too often set aside, he has been a primary reference point in much “post-modernist” discourse dealing with innumerable (and often quite interesting) cultural issues. Antonio Gramsci, Selections from the Prison Notebooks, op. He recovers somewhat and continues writings until 1935, when he can no longer work as the disease burns the last remaining reserves of the body. The fascist dictator Mussoline had Gramsci imprisoned for 11 years in the 1920's and 30's where he continued to write in code as his health worsened. [14], Gramsci insists that ‘everyone is a philosopher, though in his own way and unconsciously’ [15], but what is necessary is to transform that which is implicit, contradictory and fragmented in the masses into a critical and systematic awareness which can result in the formation of a popular collective will to action. Antonio Gramsci, Soviets in Italy, London 1969, pp. 134 W 29TH ST STE 706 Even in the most humane prisons, the physical and psychological pressures in imprisonment are a terrible ordeal; what must it have been like to be in a fascist jail? 20. the existence of class society – JM] irreducible fact ... that there really do exist rulers and ruled, leaders and led’ [52], and that although this division has its origin in class divisions, it operates also within socially homogeneous groups and therefore within parties. . the struggle against Bordigism) but primarily Gramsci’s profound reappraisal of the tasks facing revolutionary parties as a result of the defeat of the post-war revolutionary wave and the development of modern capitalism. One is his desire to elude the watchful eyes of various censors–certainly those of his fascist jailers, but also, potentially some of his own comrades who are coming under the powerful influence of Stalinism. The intellectuals develop slowly, much more slowly than any other social group, because of their own nature and historical role ... To think it possible that this type can, as a mass, break with the whole of the past in order to place itself wholeheartedly on the side of a new ideology, is absurd. Cited in A. Pozzolini, Antonio Gramsci: An Introduction to his Thought, London 1970, p. 65. The presence of fascist censors forced him to use code words and obscure formulations. We have therefore maintained: 1. that the revolution is not necessarily proletarian and communist if it proposes and obtains the overthrow of the bourgeois state; 2. nor is it proletarian and communist if it proposes and obtains the destruction of the representative institutions and administrative machine through which the central government exercises the political power of the bourgeoisie; 3. it is not proletarian and communist even if the wave of popular insurrection places power in the hands of men who call themselves (and sincerely are) communists. [59]. The PCI was split between the dominating figure of Amadeo Bordiga, an unbending ultra-leftist, and an opportunist right wing led by Angelo Tasca. It was educated, directed, purged of extraneous contaminations; the aim was to bring it in line with modern theory [marxism] – but in a living and historically effective manner. cit., pp. Ill from childhood–a fever of study and reflection. 1. Section IV connects Machiavelli’s teaching to the historical aim of Italian unification. The bureaucracy is the most dangerously hidebound and conservative force; if it ends up by constituting a compact body, which stands on its own and feels itself independent of the mass of members, the party ends up by becoming anachronistic and at moments of acute crisis it is voided of its social content and left as though suspended in mid-air. . Thus Gramsci’s relationship with Croce parallels that between Marx and Hegel – at first under his influence, then more and more seeing him as a major figure who has to be challenged and superceded in a new synthesis. . No bitterness. And Italian Communism, too, will have its great martyr, whose shadow and whose heroic flame will guide it in its future struggles.(37). The fruit of this immense labour, and the centrepiece of Gramscian strategy, was a new conception of the role and tasks of the revolutionary party, which constitutes the only fundamental addition to the marxist theory of the party since Lenin. Trade unions linked to the party rose from 320,000 in 1914 to 1,159,00 in 1919 and 2,320,000 in 1920. Conversely, Gramsci’s While the Prince of Machiavelli defines the characteristics of a successful prince, Gramsci lists the characteristics of the revolutionary party and … Another difference between Machiavelli and Gramsci is that the theorist of the Middle Ages believed that leadership would be provided by individual heroes and villains – princes – whereas Gramsci believed that the modern prince must be collective and can only be a political party, which is the focus of his text. [2]. To deceive the prison censor Gramsci avoided all use of conventional marxist terminology, and all direct mention of well known revolutionaries. This requires a correction of the balance between agitation and propaganda (in favour of propaganda) [39], for the party must not only be an expression of the class but must ‘react energetically [upon it] in order to develop, solidify and universalise [it]’. He writes: The dual perspective can present itself on various levels, from the most elementary to the most complex: but these can all theoretically be reduced to two fundamental levels, corresponding to the dual nature of Machiavelli’s Centaur – half-animal and half-human. The decisive political experience for the shaping of Gramsci’s thought was the rising of the Italian workers, spearheaded by the proletariat of Turin in 1919 and 1920. It was not until his incarceration in 1926 that Gramsci had the opportunity to develop and expound his ideas, and by this time events on the world scene also loomed large in his concerns. He is fully aware from his own experience of the difficulty of intellectual labour and systematic study, especially for the worker, and recognises that the formation of worker-intellectuals is a long slow process that can be completed only after the conquest of state power. This relates to Gramsci’s remarks regarding “that determinate party which has the aim of founding a new type of State (and which was rationally and historically created for that end).” From his 1921 mini-essay “Real Dialectics” we can understand that Gramsci unambiguously views the Italian Communist Party in this light, emerging from lessons learned from momentous events, “the real dialectics of history,” by growing numbers of individuals who are part of “the worker and peasant masses.”(25), While he makes reference in “The Modern Prince” to this party’s “inevitable progress to State power,” he was convinced that victory would also be dependent on the revolutionary party developing in a manner that linked it organically to the laboring masses. [12]. But repressive state power and the institutions of civil society do not develop evenly or stand in the same relationship to each other at all times or in all countries. . Gramsci’s brother Gennaro visited him in prison to ascertain his attitude to the ‘third period’ but, on finding that he opposed it, kept the information secret in case his brother should be expelled. The history of any given party can only emerge from the complex portrayal of the totality of society and State (often with international ramifications too). . [62]. The notebooks were written between 1929 and 1935, when Gramsci was released from prison on grounds of ill-health. The entire science and art of politics are based on this primordial and (given certain general conditions) irreducible fact.” A difference between Machiavelli and Gramsci lies in the phrase “given certain conditions.” These are the conditions of modern class society, which have not always existed (first crystallizing roughly 5000 years ago) and which–as a Marxist–Gramsci believed can and must be overcome. was its role in enlisting mass energies in the struggle for ideological hegemony and in establishing a new socialist “national-popular” community out of the cleavages and crises of the old society. ‘Historical development oscillates continually between the first and the third moment with the mediation of the second’. 2. 252–53. Marx and Engels sketched out perspectives for a theory of the social position and efficacy of intellectuals with their analysis of the historical emergence of the division of labour and critique of the deleterious role of ‘ideologists’ as (conscious or unconscious) defenders of the status quo (most notably, in the German Ideology ). The agent of action in Gramsci’s writings is the Political State. The Communists had support of about one-third of trade unionists in Italy’s major labor federation. “A simple narrative of the internal life of a political organization”–focusing on the first groups that bring it into being, “the ideological controversies through which its program and conception of the world” are formed–will provide only an account of “certain intellectual groups” or even “the political biography of a single personality,” but will not provide an adequate understanding of the political party. The editors of the English edition of Selections from the Prison Notebooks comment: Perhaps one can see here an attempt to theorise the struggle Gramsci had conducted in the PCI against Bordiga on the one hand and Tasca on the other. cit., p. 173. The principal cohesive element, which centralises nationally and renders effective and powerful a complex of forces which left to themselves would count for nothing. movements that are governed by plans worked out in advance to the last detail or in line with abstract theory.”(32), The appropriate interplay of spontaneous upsurges with conscious revolutionary organization, in Gramsci’s opinion, “can only be found in democratic centralism, which is, so to speak, a ‘centralism’ in movement–i.e. [3] It is totally opposed to all forms of transcendentalism, be it the transcendentalism of an abstract ‘human nature’ or ‘man in general’, of religion and derivative idealist philosophies, or the transcendentalism of metaphysical materialism basing itself on ‘objective laws’. As was the case with a majority of his Socialist Party comrades, he opposed the First World War (1914), although took up his own position in the revolutionary wing of that party. 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