is marxism on the rise

April 20th, 2021 by

Amil maintains a website at Much like communism, socialism is a system of politics and economics with roots in Marxist ideals. Marxist philosophies are on the rise in the West both as an economic system and cultural philosophy. On completion of hisdoctorate in 1841 Marx hoped for an academic job, but he had alreadyfallen in with too radical a group of thinkers and the… Home ›Life & Culture›Marxism: The Good, the Bad, and Why the Good is Actually the Bad, Monday, September 28, 2020 GraceLife Church goes underground — ‘This is happening in Canada and not China’, “Better dead than red”: Lithuanian-born fighter facing Chinese opponent refuses to apologize for criticizing communism, So much of the information available to us is framed and curated by big tech. Marx announced that the proletariat is the producer of wealth and that capitalists are leeches robbing them of the fruits of their labor. A quick overview: Marxism draws from the work of Karl Marx, a German philosopher, historian, and economist from the 1800s. Islamist jihadists are on the march and democracy is in retreat. The Institute landed in New York and eventually found a … Although his family was Jewish they converted to Christianity sothat his father could pursue his career as a lawyer in the face ofPrussia’s anti-Jewish laws. Updating his 1976 triptych on the “Main Currents of Marxism” in 2005, the philosopher Leszek Kołakowski predicted that Marx himself would become “more and more what he already is: a chapter from a text book of the history of ideas, a figure that no longer evokes any emotions, simply the author of one of the ‘great books’ of the 19th century – one of those … While Marx’s workers’ paradise ideal continued to struggle, and kept failing miserably to deliver its promises, its offshoots such as European Socialism and now American Redistributionism under Democratic leadership are still aims to create a society where those who succeed in generating wealth turn over the major share of their earnings to those who do not. Its purpose was to reflect on “the history of the modern working class.” Th… The rise of millennial socialism. Even if this is not the intent of Marxist teachings, teachers of Marxism are extremely irresponsible in failing to clearly articulate that the faults of one race’s past are not their own. The very concept of religion that stands for uniting people has been subverted, time and again, by clever and devious opportunists as means of pitting people against each other. What is Marxism? The problem, however, is how Marxists try to address these issues. Countries like the United States provided freedom and economic opportunity, making communism unappealing to most. Marxism does not lift all to prosperity, it drags all down to poverty. Christians are called to help the oppressed and Marxism appears to help the orphan and the widow. Several decades ago, U.S. News and World Report revealed an alarming increase in the number of Marxist professors on university campuses. @RepKenBuck, It’s not a dystopian novel, movie, or comic book... this is real life. Marxism reshuffles the deck of any society and allows the worst, most craven elements to rise to the top. Science fiction has become reality. Marxism also seems to believe in the equality of all mankind, a true and biblical idea. Marxism is a method of socioeconomic analysis that uses a materialist interpretation of historical development, better known as historical materialism, to understand class relations and social conflict as well as a dialectical perspective to view social transformation.It originates from the works of 19th-century German philosophers Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Is Neo-Marxism on the rise? Is it a case of ordained fate we cannot escape or is it that We the People are too dense to learn from our own mistakes? In effect, Karl Marx originated the concept of class warfare, the poor against the rich. To illustrate how mistake-prone we are, a few examples will suffice. Dis-incentivizing individual exertion through confiscatory taxes is the surest way to reduce the overall wealth of any society. The proletariat, far from burying capitalism, are keeping it on life support. The Chinese Communist Party, the old Bolsheviks who used to crowd the Kremlin, the dictators of Cuba, Venezuela, and North Korea—these people are why Marxism was invented. Marxism On The Rise In The West. But unfortunately, its utopian vision is a mirage. The Islamic Republic of Iran is rapidly moving toward acquiring nuclear weapon capability. Marx was especially interested in the work of Georg Hegel, who wrote about the dialectic (the method by which two competing ideas create a new idea). Both of his parents were Jewish, and descended from a long line of rabbis, but his father, a lawyer, converted to Lutheranism in 1816 due to contemporary laws barring Jews from higher society. Marxism predicted a temporary dictatorship of the proletariat, whereas Leninism, in practice, established a permanent dictatorship of the Communist Party. It is imperative that we, as a nation, live within our means, just like families do. var wWidgetConf_82e28bcea3={rows:4,cols:1,backgroundColor:'rgb(240, 240, 240)',textColor:'rgb(0, 0, 0)',borderColor:'#DDD',displayContent:'0',contentSort:'0',contentType:'0',showTitle:'1',showThumb:'1',widgetID:'wWidget_82e28bcea3',layout:'basic'}; (function(){if(!window.mc4wp){window.mc4wp={listeners:[],forms:{on:function(event,callback){window.mc4wp.listeners.push({event:event,callback:callback});}}}}})(); Amil Imani is an Iranian-American writer, satirist, novelist, essayist, public speaker and political analyst who has been writing and speaking out about the danger of radical Islam both in America and internationally. Four years later, … That, and that alone, is the reason that Marxism exists. For good measure, he lumped in the mentally challenged, homosexuals and the physically handicapped as humanity’s misfits as well to be rid of. These concepts are antibiblical and do not reflect the unity we have in Christ. Why Marxism is on the rise again Capitalism is in crisis across the globe – but what on earth is the alternative? -A philisophy based on the materialist Karl Marx was born in 1818 in Trier, Prussia; he was the oldest surviving boy in a family of nine children. Karl Marx was born in Trier, in the German Rhineland, in1818. The rich are not better than the poor and white people are not better than black people. Marxism wasn’t truly retreating, however. Marx announced that the proletariat is the producer of wealth and that capitalists are leeches robbing them of the fruits of their labor. Sadly, there are oppressed people and there are people who use their position or wealth to oppress others. The rich resort to strategies that shelter their wealth, become discouraged in investing their funds, and then the overall wealth of the society declines. The great nation of all nations, America, is at a critical point and crossroads. If the Democrats take over the White House, America, as we know it, will not be recognizable. Domestically, our house is in shambles. In socialism, a central government owns all means of wealth, but individuals can still own property. Marxism envisioned a revolution of proletarians in … Not long after the launch of Marxism, another “savior,” by the name of Adolph Hitler, rose to power on the promise of fixing humanity’s economic and other problems at its very foundation based on nationalism., We must be bold - not weak - to secure American freedom! Marxism - Marxism - Analysis of society: To go directly to the heart of the work of Marx, one must focus on his concrete program for humanity. Specifically, he proposed ridding the world of its burden of undesirables and unfit, with Jews on top of his list. : By Nathan Skates. It teaches those in the “oppressor” class to be ashamed of their skin color or sex because of supposed sins committed by their class. This is dangerous to any free society. Humanity’s poor masses found their messiah in this ideologue, rallied behind him, and got to experience a Marxist paradise. It must reduce the size of government and eliminate hundreds of bureaucracies that are redundant or completely useless as President Trump has done. Big tech has become so powerful, they can control what most Americans see & don’t see, what we know & don’t know. Marxists adopted the oppressor/oppressed framework to apply to groups based on sex, race, and sexual orientation. Marxism. In effect, Karl Marx originated the concept of class warfare, the poor against the rich. Its fall and the victory of the proletariat are equally inevitable.” (The best-selling book of … Marxism also grants enormous power to the government, under the woefully naïve premise that the government is fair and impartial. Democrats’ redistribution of wealth does nothing but dis-incentivize an individual’s prime motive force “self-exertion” for “self-reward.” Democrats feel the rich have too much and the poor should simply get a much bigger share of what the rich have. Except for the ruling class, whether you worked hard or loafed, you basically got the same incentive under Marxism. These philosophies ignore the reality that human beings require incentives to work hard and to innovate. In order to address economic issues effectively, government policies should facilitate all individuals and companies to create more wealth, not penalize those who have managed to create and acquire wealth by over-regulation and excessive taxation. Paging through humanity’s history, time and again we find numerous instances of costly mistakes where people ignore facts and reason by entrusting their lives to a “savior.” And time and again, we have ended up paying the price for our folly. Not to be left out, shortly after the Shiite Khomeini’s lightning success in Iran that deposed the Shah and established the Islamic Republic, a Sunni Muslim “Osama Bin Laden” launched his campaign of bringing about a worldwide Caliphate, as the sure cure for humanity’s ills. He claimed that the Aryan race was the cream of humanity’s crop that brought nothing but good to the table, while Semitic, black and yellow people represented exploiters and aberrations to be eliminated. Marx’s trump “card” was class warfare. Dis-incentive was the “Achilles Heel” of Marxism. Picking a scapegoat has always worked magic over the millennia, and even Hitler’s syphilitic brain recognized its value for his campaign of mass genocide. He urged the workers to rise, rid themselves of the rich and take full possession of their own self-produced goods. The Rise of Marxism "Workers of the world unite; you have nothing to loose but your chains." Marx and Engels wrote in the second best-selling book of all time, The Communist Manifesto: “What the bourgeoisie therefore produces, above all, are its own grave-diggers. Marxism looks appealing, promising equality and fairness for the downtrodden. This is just as important for an understanding of Marx as are The Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital. In like manner that families should cut back on everything they can, in order to live within their means, the Federal Government needs do the same. The national debt is staggering. What if that wasn’t the case anymore, at least for a large group of people inside that same nation? Marxism on The Rise - Everywhere! These became philosophies such as critical race theory which views the oppressors as whites and the oppressed as racial minorities, particularly black people. Cultural Marxism, such as critical race theory and intersectionality, may appeal to Christians’ desires for justice and equality, but their result is the opposite. In order to address economic disparity, a pivotal concern of humanity, Karl Marx showed up trumpeting his battle cry, “from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.” Marx announced that the proletariat is the producer of wealth and that capitalists are leeches robbing them of the fruits of their labor. Karl Marx was born in Prussia in 1818, to a middle-class family of Jewish heritage. In this system, wealth would be distributed to those of the proletariat. Working with his contemporary, Friedrich Engles, came the creation of the Manifesto of the Communist Party. The results: Millions died, among them some of mankind’s best-educated and productive Jews. If Biden is elected, the nation’s debt will exceed that of our obligation under all other previous administrations combined. Cultural Marxism is increasingly defining the worldview within which all debates and decision-making take place, even for most of those who rightly fear and despise Marx. The results: many of the rich went to early graves, only to be replaced by a new class of overlord apparatchiks, and the poor continued to be poor. The bourgeoisie were employers who controlled the means of production, the proletariat were the working-class people. Marxism: Socialism. Though he trained as a lawyer, Marx’s real interest was in politics and philosophy. Well, what about the musings of … Marxism appears to offer the opportunity to help the oppressed by lifting them up, but it is really a philosophy of envy and resentment. He is 2010 honoree of EMET: "The Speaker of the Truth Award" at the Capitol Hill. Even though reactionary actors will insist otherwise, Marxist theory remains as relevant as ever in … They call themselves liberals, but they are intent upon abolishing liberty. In no time at all Islam, long fractured, lethargic and dormant, found a new vitality under the leadership of the Ayatollah Khomeini of Iran, who raised the Black Standard and promised Allah’s paradise to the totality of mankind for the simple price of accepting his Shiite brand of Islam. Our children and grandchildren will have to service this debt at economically soaring rates. He urged the workers to rise, rid themselves of the rich and take full possession of their own self-produced goods. Hitler flashed the ethnic-race card. He has become a formidable voice in the United States against the danger of global jihad and Islamization of America. Marxism was a paradigm shift in the understanding of labor and economics. History from Marx's View -Started by Karl Marx-1848 -History of all existing societies is the history of class struggle. It was simply adapting to survive. But unfortunately, its utopian vision is a mirage. On the surface, there is a lot to like about the promises of Marxism. A precocious schoolchild, Marx studied lawin Bonn and Berlin, and then wrote a PhD thesis in Philosophy,comparing the views of Democritus and Epicurus. In a capitalist society such as we have in the United States, each person has not only the opportunity to work hard in their chosen field, but to advance. A nation that loves freedom and despises tyranny. They promise the blessings of the Garden of Eden, but they plan to transform the world into a gigantic post office. E-Mail: No Email Available, Copyright 2021 All Rights Reserved NEWSWITHVIEWS.COM | Website Services by, Federal Government Release Cultural Marxist Study: White Men are Greatest Threat, Mandela’s Communist White Hatred Germinates In American Soil, The Grinding Predicament of Canada, Australia, Europe and America in the 21st Century: Endless Immigration. Many people have found real value in the words of Jordan Peterson in terms of improving their mental health, personal mission in life, and finding true value in themselves. Even today, forty cents of the Federal tax dollar go to servicing the loans—much of it to China and foreign entities. A naïve dreamer of an American President, Jimmy Carter, hailed Khomeini as a saint-savior, an answer to a prayer, so to speak. Why Marxism is on the rise again Today, 164 years after Marx and Engels wrote about grave-diggers, the truth is almost the exact opposite. Marxism looks appealing, promising equality and fairness for the downtrodden. In the process, the disciples of Marx and Lenin such as Stalin and Mao subjected over 100 million to death, and untold millions suffered for many decades while the promised workers paradise never materialized. But, slowly but surely, it has clawed its way out of the dustbin of history and into the … In 1844, Marx began a lifelong collaboration with fellow writer Friedrich Engels, who had been investigating and studying the conditions of the working classes in industrial England. During the latter part of July, Red Bull terminated some American executives who tried to get the company to embrace Black Lives (Don’t) Matter’s agenda in order to virtue signal. Marxism particularly appeals to younger generations who are angered by income inequities and other forms of oppression. He and Friedrich Engels co-authored The Communist Manifesto of 1848, and since their passing, communists and other Marx/Engels fans have been interpreting and developing upon their ideas. If the government controls the means of production and everyone is guaranteed to receive a certain amount of money, there is no incentive to work hard or to produce a quality product. He urged the workers to rise, rid themselves of the rich and take full possession of their own self-produced goods. Imani is the author of Obama Meets Ahmadinejad and Operation Persian Gulf and is currently working on his third and fourth book. It is expected that the government will distribute wealth and resources fairly and show no partiality, despite thousands of years of history to suggest otherwise. The rise of Marxist Ideology America is a nation that values opportunity. While communism took hold in the East, it struggled to gain ground in the West., It’s not about “black lives,” it’s about leftist agendas & big profits through emotional manipulation and deception. It is important to understand the mind behind this shift, Karl Marx. People are talking about it, and people are using the term dramatically. Christianity not only encourages but requires individuals to be charitable and generous, yet it never commands that individuals should be compelled to give their financial resources to the government to redistribute as they see fit. With the rise of the Nazis in January 1933, the Institute and its members were forced to leave Germany due to their Marxists beliefs and Jewish ethnicity. The current uprising under the direction of George Soros/Obama and the DNC has been abysmal in all areas vital to our nation. Additionally, unlike the violent uprisings that can arise with communism, socialism typically occurs more organically through reforms and changes with an elected government. If you are the best at your craft, you can earn more money. Marx's description of th~ rise of English capitalism is a very compact one, involving a great chain of events, such as the impoverishment of feudal aristocracy (due to the great feudal wars and an irrational and luxurious way of life, in itself one of the causes of the wars); its increasing involvement in mercantile transactions in order to convert its desire for commodities (made possible by the rise of a wealthy … Ultimately his philosophy became communism and socialism. According to entrepreneur, real estate investor, and macro economics enthusiast, George Gammon, Western nations are facing the unabating rise of Marxism. Hitlerism and Communism, for all intents and purposes, either died or went on life support, providing ample opportunities for other saviors. Marxism predicted a spontaneous revolution by the proletariat, but Leninism insisted on the need for leadership by a vanguard party of professional revolutionaries (such as Vladimir Lenin himself). @VirgilWlkrOMAHA, Liberty University © 2021 • All Rights Reserved •, 1971 University Boulevard • Lynchburg, VA 24515, Freedom Under Fire in China, Hong Kong and Abroad, The Deadly Union of Sexual Immorality and Abortion. It teaches those in the “oppressed” groups that they are eternal victims of the “oppressor” class, creating resentment and frustration. Young Karl was baptized in the same church at the age of 6, but later became an atheist.After a year at the University of Bonn (during which Mar… Together, they developed a version of Marxism known as “critical theory.” 14. Marxist philosophies are on the rise in the West both as an economic system and cultural philosophy. The word is often used as a slur from conservatives, but sometimes as a badge of honor for liberals. If that is not the exact Marxist failed philosophy, then what is it? Marxism is the philosophy of German economist and philosopher Karl Marx. It is investment by those who have funds that creates wealth and jobs. In short, Marx’s philosophy was that there were different classes of people: the bourgeoisie and the proletariat. Jan 24, 2021 | Politics & Governance, Society & Culture. There is nothing worth supporting in the BLM movement. Dr. Jordan Peterson is a man who hardly needs to be introduced. As economist Ludwig von Mises said: “The champions of socialism call themselves progressives, but they recommend a system which is characterized by rigid observance of routine and by a resistance to every kind of improvement. We, as responsible citizens, must make sure that President Trump is reelected. Marx’s interpretation of human nature begins with human need. Marx believed the bourgeoisie oppressed and exploited the proletariat and that there should be a new economic system to replace capitalism. If you invent a product or process that meets a demand in the economy, you can sell it; this breeds competition, causing people to work more diligently. They call themselves revolutionaries, but they want to make the government omnipotent. Microchips, super soldiers, and human-monkey hybrids, oh my! The last thing any government should do is to use the ineffective deadly weapon of classism, pitting the poor against the rich. What a noble cause to fight!”, With their latest actions, governors in Michigan and Kentucky are ruling like monarchs, not elected representatives, Woke corporate hypocrisy: Amazon fails to practice what it preaches on voting. But this would cause an evolution of Marxist ideas, not an abandonment of them. Marxist Guerrillas on the Rise in Venezuela Posted by NC Scout | Jun 24, 2019 | NC Scout , News and Links | 7 | Predictably, after the failed coup of Juan Guaido, the ruling socialist party is busy indoctrinating the mass base by using their own militia groups to create a buffer against what they describe as a victory over US imperialism. As economic systems, communism and socialism have been repeatedly proven to be disastrous. What an alluring utopia! They call themselves democrats, but they yearn for dictatorship. The Democrats and Biden basically want to transform America to cultural-Marxism: a failed economic philosophy, in a poorly disguised form that this Party has been relentlessly pushing throughout the ages. If we are not genetically doomed to make these ruinous mistakes—which I am certain we are not—then do we commit them out of wishful thinking, laziness, desperation, or some combination of the three? Jordan Peterson makes some general points above on the topic of the rise of Neo-Marxism. We thought communism was beaten. While Marx’s summons was aimed at the laboring class of industrial Europe, the peasantry in both Russia and later in China enthusiastically answered his call. In effect, Karl Marx originated the concept of class warfare, the poor against the rich. A product of mid-19th century social and economic discord, this work provided a theoretical and practical program for the establishment and growth of the Communist Party in Europe. In contrast to Marx’s class warfare and Hitler’s ethnic-race rallying cries, Khomeini and Bin Laden hoisted the ever-effective battle call of religion. Watching the upheaval in Poland and other Eastern bloc nations had convinced even Marxists that capitalism would not “give way to socialism” anytime soon. Marxism divides people based on categories they often have no control over, it is the ultimate form of racism and division. Every man but one a subordinate clerk in a bureau. Marxism particularly appeals to younger generations who are angered by income inequities and other forms of oppression. Furthermore, Marx’s Eurocentric views became milder in his later years. Recently these theories have gained popularity in the West even in Christian circles, as has the somewhat more palatable economic system of socialism. Marxism, when approached properly, remains a useful tool for 21st revolutionary praxis. Understand the mind behind this shift, Karl Marx was born in 1818 in Trier, in the number Marxist... And marxism appears to help the orphan and the DNC has been in. Wealth, but they want to make the government omnipotent world of its burden of undesirables and,. To our nation, America, as a slur from conservatives, but they want to make the omnipotent! Loose but your chains. ” was class warfare, the poor against rich! 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