sermon on john 1

April 20th, 2021 by

Hearts of many are in despair as they see their life savings disappear or face the loss of jobs and homes. Introduction. It is with God the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ. Was He really God? This morning, I just want to pick up on one verse in the passage: verse 11: “He came to his own, and his own people did not accept him”. We need to pray that the Lord will use us to invade the darkness and be ready to share with a lost and dying generation the hope and knowledge of eternal life. She ran back quickly to tell Peter and John. Take a look, for a moment, at the four gospel writers. Posted on February 1, 2016 by Brian Evans. . In the same way darkness cannot intellectually conquer the light. Mark begins the gospel of Jesus Christ with the ministry of John the Baptist. Does one have to go through the Pope or a priest, or are each of us priests unto God? Since the all matter was evil they claimed that God could not have created the earth. This is why John stresses the certainty of our fellowship in Jesus. Saudade: through the absence we feel the presence. God said (the action of Christ in creation) let there be light and there was light. Gnostics get their name from the Greek word for knowledge. Schafer makes that point that while we know other humans truly we do not know them fully. Scripture: John 1:19–34. 1. Light overcomes darkness. But secondly, look at verse 4 where the apostle tells us that our fellowship with God is peaceful. where he speaks to the condition of our fellowship. People can refute almost anything you say but they cannot refute what you yourself have experienced. 1st John: God As Light, Holiness, And Love. I really enjoyed your thoughts on the Word of God becoming flesh, not only in the life of Jesus, but also in our own lives as Christians. While historians across the religious spectrum have decried Brown for being a revisionist and inventing history to match his fantastic story, the truth of the matter is, most people don't know enough Church history to be able to separate fact from fiction. And what about the condition of your fellowship with God, is it what is should be? That having been said, if you have fellowship with Him you will not walk in darkness but will walk in the light as He is in the light. Evil is not a thing it is the attribute or condition of someone or something. (2) He is offered entirely, and is received in all His offices as Christ Jesus the Lord . When a truth of the light is presented to darkness, darkness cannot intellectually or spiritually conquer it and make it a part of itself. . Part of the wonder of the incarnation was that God became one of us so that we could know Him and that He could reveal Himself to us in a way we would understand. But John wants to remind us that even though we have been set free from the penalty of sin and from the power of sin, we are not yet free from the presence and the pull of sin. It is instructive for us to recognize that John begins this book in a similar way to his gospel, by dealing with the nature of Jesus Christ. Learn more about us, listen to sermons, get service times, directions, contact information and more. Third they claimed that since matter is evil and the spirit is good, Jesus could not have come in the flesh, it would, they claimed, be impossible. This passage from John’s Gospel is so well known. John and Peter and Paul all have different ministries, as I have suggested. This sermon was preached on December 21, 2014. No where is this more true than in the area of false doctrines. We need to hear the apostle John telling us what he heard, saw, touched and experienced. Our fellowship with God and His people is to be peaceful. Did you ever wonder why John used the phrase "The Word" to describe Jesus Christ? It all started in the dark. Remember this the next time a storm hits and the lights go and you turn on a flashlight. So the question often arises- if Christ created all things does that mean He created evil? 2. Contrary to what others may say God is light and in Him is no darkness whatsoever. To the Gnostics who said that they could achieve perfection, or that their spirit was perfect, he tells them that they are deceived. The only light, or understanding of eternal life then comes from the indwelling of the light that was in Christ. GOD SPOKE. If you had His Spirit then you were in fellowship with Him and with others who had His Spirit. | 218 views. It is only by knowing Jesus that you can have fellowship with the saints. Sermon: "Fellowship" from 1 John 1:1-10 by Pastor Colin Smith. And God saw the light that it was good. How could He be both God and human at the same time? Four times the word “which” occurs in verse 1 allowing John to draw attention John tells us in his gospel that "In the beginning was the Word, and the word was with God and the word was God . This battle has been with us for the better part of the last two centuries and continues to rage on today. It is important that we not overlook this element of what John is saying. He is making an absolute statement about the nature of God. The battle before that wa… Genesis 1:1-2 tells us: In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. – an Easter story here LOVE Is Risen! We see just how real Jesus is. In the meantime, Peter and John had come running to the tomb, and Mary following as fast as she could. Almost without exception words are descriptive of something. God is light and in Him is no darkness at all. This is why our witness must be bathed in prayer and bolstered with scripture if we are going to reach the world for Christ. He will pardon us of our sins. THAT WHICH WE HAVE SEEN AND HEARD. Jesus Christ is the focus of all that we receive from God. Posted on April 8, 2020 by Rev. Christ was also the giver of eternal life. The Home of Grace to You. This word confess is an interesting word in the Greek language, it means to agree with God, or to say the same thing as God, and within this context it means to say the same thing about our sin as He says about our sin. Language is the means that man uses to communicate with each other. Select an option and chat directly with a member of our support team. God come in the flesh. Scripture tells us in Ephesians 5:8 that at one time we were darkness. 1. Is it what it could be? Darkness also lacks the ability to overcome the light physically. Biblical Commentary (Bible study) 1 John 1:1 – 2:2 EXEGESIS: THE CONTEXT: For the context, see INTRODUCTION TO 1 JOHN. They were called this because the foundation of their belief system was the acquisition of knowledge. We need to go into this darkened world with the light of the precious gospel of Jesus Christ shining brightly. Tag Archives: Progressive sermon John 20:1-18 Easter Sermons: LOVE IS – Risen! John Piper. Living in a postmodern age, in a culture that denies the very existence of any absolute truth, it continues to be a sizeable task for the church to stand firm on the certainty that Scripture is the inerrant word of God and is without flaw or error. In fact, John tells us in his gospel, chapter 13 that it by this that all men will know we are His disciples that we have love one for another. Copy link. So when we talk about a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, this is what we mean: To know Him and to be known by Him. Living in a postmodern age, in a culture that denies the very existence of any absolute truth, it continues to be a sizeable task for the church to stand firm on the certainty that Scripture is the inerrant word of God and is without flaw or error. From the moment He spoke light into the chaotic cosmos in Genesis until the "Surely I come quickly" of Revelation 22:20 all of scripture points to Christ and has the sole purpose of guiding His subjects to Himself and equipping them for service in this world. The Word of God, Jesus Christ pre-incarnate, created light in the darkness. If you have not yet allowed the light of Christ to enter your heart now would be a opportune moment to do so. here Jesus’ Resurrection is Extraordinary Precisely Because Anything At All Made It Out of That Bloody Tomb! That is to say, He will eradicate the punishment we are due. 3. In fact it was very good! Sermon on 1 Corinthians 15:12-34 – “All Because of the Resurrection” Sermon on Isaiah 6:1-7 – “Seeing the Holy God” The Consent of MOST of the Parts; Sermon on Acts 1:12-26 – “From Eleven to Twelve” Sermon on Acts 6:14-27 – “The Genealogy of Moses and Aaron” Sermon on Exodus 6:1-13 – “God Remembers His Covenant” The New Testament was still being written and even though much of it had already been put down on parchment, it was not published as we understand publishing. It is not dependent upon our ability to know this or to memorize that, it is based upon the certainty that Jesus came in the flesh, gave His life for us and rose from the dead. (1) He is offered sincerely and really, and is received with a faith unfeigned (1 Timothy 1:5). 1 JOHN 1:1-4. Remember that the first Christians did not have the benefit of two thousand years of study. Certainly not! These were the circumstances surrounding the writing of 1st John. John may be taking us back to the beginning to creation. Instead of consternation it brings communion, it brings peace instead of panic. A picture of total desperation. look at the last part of verse 3. Nov 16, 2008. Van Oosterzee, D. D. John 1:1-5: Christ and God: D. Thomas, D. D. John 1:1-5: Christ is God: John 1:1-5: Christ the True God: John 1:1-5: Christ the Word of God Like every other relationship, our fellowship with Jesus is something that must be maintained. John wants us to come to terms with the reality that even as Christians we sometimes fall into sin. Notice verse 2 in All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. Because it took faith to accept Jesus as He presented Himself, there were those then, as there are today, who wanted to offer alternative explanations for who He was and what He did. Since it has been made a part of your intellect you can act on it. Those who truly have fellowship with God are readily noticeable by the change in their lives. When the other women arrived at the tomb, they saw the two angels who told them to go tell the disciples that Jesus had risen and would meet them in Galilee. | 87 views. This cleansing caries with it the idea of being reformed or being made new. ***** Sermon on John 1:1-5 ***** By: Rev. We'd love to hear from you. We need go no further than Genesis 1:3-4 to see this truth. Contributed by Brad Bailey on Apr 2, 2021. John does not use the present tense of the verb zoo, he uses the imperfect which refers to something ongoing in the past. John 1:1: The Son of Thunder: Charles Kingsley: John 1:1: The Word in Eternity, in the World, and in the Flesh: Alexander Maclaren: John 1:1: Which We have Heard and Seen: Hugh Binning: John 1:1: A Notable Conversion: J. J. The word comprehend (katalambano) means the ability to conquer and make a part of yourself, both intellectually and physically. here LOVE is Risen! I tell you you are cutting your own throat if you come and sit and consent to sermon after sermon on secret and spiritual prayer, and still remain the same prayerless and unspiritual man you have all your life been. 1:1 That which was from the beginning, that which we have heard, that which we have seen with our eyes, that which we saw, and our hands … It has been wisely said that every generation of Christians must restate the gospel to their own age. So we have seen the Certainty of our fellowship and the Character of our fellowship, but there is one final thing John says here. If He was not born of a virgin; if He was not flesh and blood; if He was not who He said He was, He could not do what He said he did. It is not dependent upon the capricious whims of other humans. Was He born of a virgin, and if so, how could that be? As Christians we are subject to temptation and there are times, yes even as Christians, when we yield to temptation and sin. You are currently impersonating {{}}. And in like manner all the imperfect faith that, laying hold of other fragmentary means of knowing God, has tremulously tried to trust Him, finds its climax and consummate flower in the full-blossomed faith that lays hold upon … as sons and daughters . Docetism, like the rest of Gnosticism, taught that all matter was essentially evil and that all spirit was essentially good. Folks, this is what sets us apart from all the other religions of the world. He’s as real as you and your flesh and blood. GIVE EXPERIMENT WITH FLASHLIGHT IN DARKNESS. The Rev. When God speaks the object and means of His interaction with this world is Jesus Christ. Church members for whom fellowship with God's people is not only seen as optional, but for many is seen as a non-essential. One of these new gospels which plagued the early church was a doctrine known as Gnosticism. Adrian Dieleman. We personally touched Him with our hands, we saw Him with our eyes, we heard Him with our ears and we observed Him with as we lived with Him." They will tell you that he was a good man, a prophet, a wise teacher and a host of other things, but they don't want to recognize that He is in fact the only begotten Son of God. Jesus Christ and His body (the church) is the reason for the creation of the world and this world will exist only until that kingdom is complete. Many of our evangelical forefathers paid with their lives for claiming that the true church consisted, not of those who bowed the knee to Rome, but of those who had placed their trust in Jesus Christ, by faith and faith alone. This can be proven very easily in the physical realm. Public Domain, Wikimedia Commons “Among you stands one whom you do not know.” Those are John’s words to the religious authorities whom come to him. But not only is our fellowship personal and peaceful, notice with me in verse 5 where John says that our fellowship is pervasive. They are his words to us today. In this kind of environment, you can see how easy it was for false teaching to introduce spurious doctrines, and to lead these new converts astray. Check out these helpful resources Biblical Commentary Sermons Children’s Sermons Hymn Lists. Not only the fellowship the saints have with one another but the fellowship we have with God. Look at verse 7, if we walk in the light as He Himself is in the light, we have fellowship with one another . We learn from Genesis 1 that in or at the beginning God existed already because it was God who created all things in the beginning. He is testifying to the authenticity of the apostolic message. John 1 (3) God’s Glory - Read John 1:1-18 Each of the Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John were written by different men, as inspired and directed by the Lord. Have you noticed how many imitation products there are on the market today? Our fellowship with God is personal. 3) John 1:1 – The God who is before the beginning 4) 1 John 1:1 – The beginning of the incarnate Son and the message about Him Here the emphasis and focus is on the incarnate Son and the gospel message about Him. John assures us that we can have confidence in the truth wherein we have placed our faith, he tells us that those who have come to know the truth will live it out in love and he speaks about both truth and love in terms of the fellowship we have with God and with one another. Dr. David E. Leininger. We hear it every Christmas, and it becomes so familiar that the depth of it is often lost on us. Text John 15:1-7 I am a person who enjoys words. To confess means to make no excuses, to make no attempt to conceal them or justify them before God but, with a contrite heart, to admit that we have sinned and to ask God for forgiveness. He does it through His word - the scripture. They denied the incarnation and they denied the bodily resurrection. Light will always prevail over darkness. First, they claimed that knowledge was itself, the end of all things and the way to spiritual advancement. One thing that we need to note is this. It is a story which, at a very basic level, seeks to undermine the nature and work of Jesus Christ and thus Christianity as we know it. Vs. 1. Consider how this truth runs in the fact of post modernism which says there is no absolute truth. Want to get in touch? He is saying that we can be certain about the fellowship we have with the Father because we have gone through Jesus, who is the perfect expression of God, who is the Way, the truth and the Life and no man goes to the Father but through Him. God is real because Jesus is real. Sermons; Children’s Sermons; Hymns; Previous Next. This is how we keep the condition of our fellowship with God what it needs to be. So the implications of their teaching not only affected the doctrine of Christ, or Christology, but affected Soteriology, or the doctrine of salvation. Read Through the Bible This Year with CSB Every Day with Jesus Daily Bible, Get the Latest from Priscilla Shirer Today, Join Your Favorite Authors for a Virtual Event, Become a Super Host and Save on 2021 Simulcasts, Order Curriculum, Literature, and Church Supplies, by Calvin Wittman on Wednesday, January 01, 2014 at 7:00 AM. (1) One is that all imperfect revelation of God is prophetic of and leads up towards the perfect revelation in Jesus Christ (Hebrews 1:1-3). John tells us in verse 18 of the 1st chapter the no one has seen God at any time and the only begotten Son who is in the bosom of the Father has declared Him. This was the basis for their beliefs. John The Baptist Cries Out About Jesus! Peter and John having seen the evidence of the resurrection, left to go … Even Satan and his angels were created good but became evil only when they rejected the good purpose for which they were created. God's plan for His people is for them to be in fellowship with Him and with one another. Folks who tell you they don't sin will lie about other things as well. There's imitation butter, vanilla extract, chocolate chips, milk, sugar, artificial flavors, and a host of other things. There is no receiving Christ but on His own terms. Throughout this book we find these themes of truth, love and fellowship. They will try and reinterpret the nature of Christ. Watch later. Genesis 1:1 (ESV) 1 In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. Only by continual confession and repentance of sin can we keep our hearts right before God. 2. The great shame of the church today is that we have so many church members who never come to church. I like to put words together to convey my thoughts and often write them down in poetic form, so the first chapter of John really intrigues me. Several years ago and author by the name of Dan Brown wrote a book called the DaVinci code. Your community. The earth was literally drowning in despair. It is the thing which convicts or acquits people in the court of law, and it is the thing which advertisers use, even today, to sell their products. Honor Jesus when the opportunity is at hand. Our fellowship, both with God and with other believers, is only possible if Jesus is who He says He is and can do what He says He can do. As John, writing under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, responds to these heresies, he addresses the issue of the fellowship of the saints. If Christ is not the sole dispenser of God's word then He is a liar, for He claims that He alone can reveal the Father to us. The world is darkness and we because of the light of Christ that indwells us, are the light of the world. Contrary to what the Gnostics and Docetics were saying, John wanted these early believers to realize that the message they had first heard concerning Jesus was the truth. Among the earliest Gnostics were a group known as the Docetics, their philosophy was called Docetism. If we place our trust in Him we can be in fellowship with Him and His called out ones, the Church. The One Among Us – A Sermon On John 1:6-8, 19-28 for Advent 3B. All of history is His story. Those who claim to be in fellowship with Him and continue to walk in darkness, who continue to live like the rest of the world, they are liars and do not practice the truth. Listen to the philosophers of our day. Free shipping on books, Bibles, gifts, VBS, and church supplies of $50 or more. IT'S REAL! They hurried off with their message. John says that our fellowship with God and His people is not like this. If you have not made the truth of 3 being less than 5 you will not have the money on you to purchase the item and will suffer embarrassment at the checkout counter. This is very important for us to understand in this day and age for many declare that they know God. Info. "In Him was life." Speaking as an eyewitness with apostolic authority, John wants there to be no mistake, no misunderstanding that He personally knew Jesus to be both human and divine. If we do this God will do two things. As well as the doctrine of the church, Ecclesiology. 1 John 3:1-7 You Look Just Like Your Father. One, He will forgive us of our sins. So we see the earth is empty, it's full of confusion and darkness surrounds. God's Spirit is present He knows what you are going through. Behold the Lamb of God. John and his fellow apostles knew Christ in his humanity - in the "flesh" as the expression is in this passage. But I like what Francis Schafer says. John tells us it was the first day of the week and it was still dark outside, no hint of dawn at all. It was a darkness that covered everything—not just a physical darkness, but also an inability to see and understand the Jesus they followed, hidden by … Please see below for details. Find answers to some of the more asked questions. . The fellowship we have with God is pervasive, changing us at a core level and manifesting itself in every facet of our lives. To those John says, "If we say we have fellowship with Him and yet walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth.". When we feed the poor, offer forgiveness and grace to others, and imitate the grace of our Heavenly Father, we are manifesting the Spirit of God in this physical world. We need to hear that Jesus is who He says He is and can do what He said He can do. Customer Service Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. CT Monday - Friday Phone: 1-800-458-2772. This May it will hit theaters around the world as a major motion picture, directed by Ron Howard and staring Tom Hanks. 2 thoughts on “ Without A Why – A Sermon On John 12:1-8 ” wanderingmysticblog says: April 8, 2019 at 8:03 pm “And there are those who give and know not pain in giving, nor do they seek joy, nor give with mindfulness of virtue; They give as in yonder valley the myrtle breathes its fragrance into space. In saying this he is not only contradicting Gnostic philosophy, but is also taking a stab at the way the Gnostics lived. We're sorry, an error occurred. 69 Shares. Scripture: 1 John 1:3, 1 John 2:1, 1 John 5:13, John … I am a person who enjoys words. This battle has been with us for the better part of the last two centuries and continues to rage on today. and at his invitation visited him and abode with him. Your Bible study. He will create within us a new heart and a new mind, and give us new desires. And thus it is John's personal testimony that the Holy Spirit employs here as he seeks to reassure us readers that the gospel of Jesus, as it was first preached, is in fact the truth. Was He really human? He wants to assure his readers that they can be certain about the fellowship they have with God the Father through the Son, because Jsus is in fact who He said He was and thus could do what He said He could do. He will shed the light of truth on the situation and bring peace and understanding into your life. We’re going to be looking at the themes of 1st John, and we’ll see various themes woven throughout the five chapters of first John. John wants to affirm the divinity of Christ. John and Andrew, when the Baptist directed their attention to Jesus, inquired of him, "Where dwellest thou?" Now products are advertised as "real" butter, "real" chocolate chips, "real" sugar, "real" milk etc. Logically, they thus denied the bodily resurrection, both of our Lord and of all of humanity. After the fall the darkness of death came on the scene and though the light of eternal life was present John tells us the darkness could not comprehend it. Love Will Move Series: … You are the church, and Lifeway is here to serve you with biblical resources for everything life brings your way. The world does not have this capability for they are outside the household of faith and the Sprit of God through the Word of God is foolishness to them. I’ve often heard John’s words … IT SAYS WE WERE DARKNESS. IT DOES NOT SAY WE DWELT IN DARKNESS NOR DOES IT SAY DARKNESS SURRONDED US. Ecclesiastes 1:9 assures us that there is nothing new under the sun. God is not a distant entity, unknowable and implacable. Advent 3B: John 1:1-6, 19-28 and Isaiah 61:1-4, 8-11. I ran across some interesting material the other day with the answers to science test questions as rendered by 5th and 6th graders. The Hebrew word for without form in this passage is tohû and gives us a picture of confusion and chaos. 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