where is goldspur in sso

April 20th, 2021 by

Okay, nice. The code works in the same way as the others, so there are some more animals for you to figure out. Objectives: Give Kent Jarlasson the good news. You’ve GOT to find Mrs X. Up to now there are kittens, puppies, rabbits, seals, teddy bears, piglets, and frogs available in the pet shops.$ Besides, there are some more items you may put … You seem like a decent person, and if Harald and Tatiana trust you, then I’m sure I’ll be able to as well. Whatever you do, don’t ever let a kitten near me, Rita! Objectives: Use the crowbar to repair the horse transport. Haha, we hid that so well! He says awesome stuff like “It’s Jarlatime!”, “By the light of Aideen!”, and “Feel the power of my Jarla-saber!” He has his magical Jarla-saber, you see. The compass shows the way to where the path begins, but only if the person using it knows the secret phrases which activate the magic in the old stones guarding the way. The trailer is in place? Ride to the gate and click on the code box to open the number pad. Behind the bushes and thickets, you see the beginning of an old pathway. I hope you don’t think the questions are too strange, but I promise they’ll help me understand all of this! If you really want it Rita, do you know what you’ll have to do? You can relax now, G.E.D.’s guards would never dare step onto my land, you’re safe now my sweet child. You’ve got a bright future with G.E.D. Objectives: Ride to Jorvik Stables and talk to Herman. There’s no more time, the guard’s coming! Well our daddy Angus has usually got some, so maybe you can ask him? I’m sorry Rita, but G.E.D. Now that illegal transmission equipment is gone, Kent Jarlasson’s cellphone should be back in action. Oh, you’re a true wonder! We’ve still got a bit left to solve before we understand the Jarlasson Code. See you soon! Of course I’m talking about Mrs X. That wasn’t very nice, Rita, but you win. Here! Too good. If you see him anywhere, you could tell him to hurry up. Why do you want to give the twins more sweets Rita? He’ll get the boot. Fantastic! Tasty, tasty, very very tasty! But my friend on SSO discovered some pieces for the new race track at Goldspur … The problem is getting there, because the meeting place is in Epona. Nah, I’m afraid I certainly don’t have it. I gave it to Jack when he stopped by the other day; he was on his way to Paddock Island and promised to give it back to Dorith while he was there. This table lists all available pets and other items that can be carried in the saddle bags on your horse. Objectives: Give “The Tale of the Earl’s Return” to Hanna on Paddock Island. ---SSO Horses Companion App - Information and list of horses available in the SSO companion mobile app. The Goldspur family are one of the two families who guard the secrets of the hidden path over the Greydew Mountains. She says G.E.D. ---No Pity for the Banned - Some pro tips for following the game rules, and preventing the ban-hammer from hitting you. Speak to Dorith Jarlasson on Paddock Island. Tell Angus about this blackmail scheme you’ve become caught in. To enter Epona, you need to be a Star Rider and: Have helped Helga and her family with their summer cottage. Hmm…. Grab a few handfuls of gunpowder pepper and the twins can get a taste of candy they’ll not soon forget! Good day to you, dear Rita. Go Rita, go! I must meet her as soon as possible. Unlock the gate and come back to me when you’re done! Full Speed From the Mountain to the Moors! Ride back to Ed Field and give him the good news! Pleeeeeease?! Thanks so much Rita, it’s lovely to know I have a friend like you that I can always rely on! You see, we donated the code – along with a collections of other old items – to Jarlaheim. Now! It’ll be a dangerous journey, certainly not something an old fella like me can handle alone. I’ve got tons of important stuff to be doing, like, y’know, mayor stuff. South Grey Gate Pass, Wolf Hall Inn side of the road. ” — Star Stable Online Find Jack down at the Jarlaheim Harbor, near the ferry station and Stablebucks cafe. Give this message to Ms Drake. Evelyn Goldspur (Jacks mother), the real mayor vanished a few months back. who has the same first name as them! So there we go, Rita! Or, wait… Maybe I gave it to Ms Drake? I love this! She probably thinks it was intentional…. If you help me find him, it’d be really nice of you. I’ve been so take up with the whole sheep drama that I haven’t had time to get over to Bob’s with the pumpkins. Or, well, of course I mean “we.” I can’t do this by myself, I need help. Hmm, she eats too much sugar, that child. I know it’s not perfect, but it’s the only way. Follow the direction it’s showing until you get to your target, then use the compass there. Objectives: Find the illegal transmission equipment at G.E.D. So cute! Guess we’re off home now then, eh? Yeah? Thank you Rita! Collect the children's wish lists and give them to Santa. Hehehe…. You wanna go in there and Jill wouldn’t let you? Good luck! Meet Herman inside his house at Jorvik Stables. It’s always warm there, since the water in the rivers comes from a hot spring deep inside the mountain. Super! Great! Though I haven’t read that series, I hear it’s like a cross between “Star Wars” and “Lord of the Rings” . They know where it starts, and without knowing that, we’re not really going to get very far. Duplicates: some of the items may be purchased at several places, sometimes even at different prices and with different skill points! Take the book back with you and give it to whoever wants to read it now! Full Speed From the Forest to the Mountain! There’s a combination lock on the gate, and I can’t remember the code for the life of me. Your reputation is well-earned, I must say! Haha! The Arabian Thoroughbreds are descended from the horses used by the Bedouins that believed that their horses were a sacred gift from God. Radical!! I try to listen as little as possible, but now I’ve promised Jill that I’ll meet the voting public face to face. You’re pointing towards Forgotten Fields? Totally forgot the code Rita. are working within the law and that she should sue me for defamation for making any suggestion otherwise. Objectives: Ask Ms Drake if she’s got Dorith’s copy of “The Tale of the Earl’s Return.”. ---Maggie's In-Game Help Manifesto - I love helping in-game but I do have some ground rules you need to know. You must excuse me, I’m just angry at my shiny new jPhone. Objectives: Talk to Dorith Jarlasson on Paddock Island. Here’s the deciphered Jarlasson Code, everything’s there clear as crystal. are good. Hmm, I think I’m beginning to understand how this first code is constructed. All these dullsville papers, yeah? The pathway over the Greydew Mountains isn’t just hard to find, it’s also full of traps. It’s a lot of numbers to keep in my head at one time. Oh well, when you’ve said the magic words, the needle on the compass will point to the direction in which you’ve got to ride to get to a magic milestone. Why would I give it to you? So we’re all done with this whole trailer baloney, are we? types are a shady bunch, you can’t trust them… Maybe they’re dangerous? Now I’m gonna smash the world super-speed record! What’s wrong with it? Something’s happening to the compass, it’s starting to spin pretty fast, round and round…, Goldspur’s Compass Guides Goldspur’s Guardians, “O, Golden Compass, hear our plea, Goldspur’s guardians beg of thee: tell where the secret path may be.”, The compass needle calms down and is now pointing in a new direction…. Come back once you’re done and I’ll let you into the library, I swear. Haha! What do you mean, not sure? I told them to hide it properly so that nobody could find it! are planning something truly terrible. Return to Ed when you have found the code. Wanna come with? Objectives: Give the piece of pie to Lisa Jarlasson. The code was… Umm… What on earth was it again? Hi Rita! Tell them from me that if they don’t help you, then all the sweeties they get from me in the future will be seriously spicy! This is why I’m so happy! The new update was awesome. You need to give them candy so they’ll help you with something important, you say? Ride to Jarlaheim and speak to Jill near the city courthouse. Has he got any proof? Who’s Super-Jarl?! Rewards: 5 Jorvik Shillings, 10 XP, Cup of Tea. Oh wow, thank you! Goldspur Farm- There lives the Goldspur Family- Angus, Idun, Alexander and Hannibal, Jakob, Tristan and Isdole. Haha! Hell, even my horse could probably do a better job…. luna-swiftlord. This is gonna be ore fun that Mr Fun’s fun party with extra fun and fun on top! Now I get it, I had the map upside down. First, we need to get past all those traps on the secret path. You’re so nice! Here are my swimming trunks and my winter coat. Hmm… The site supervisor. I’ve looked and looked and it’s nowhere to be found… They must’ve hidden the compass in quite excellent hiding place, or well at least it’s far too tricky for me anyway. Two of them will be found at Goldspur’s Farm in Harvest counties, and one of them will be found in Fort Pinta. With the Help of the Compass, We’ll Find the Way, Take out the compass and say the magic words, “O, Golden Compass, hear our plea, Goldspur’s guardians beg of thee: tell where the secret path may be.”. Yeah Rita, I wish you good luck! Jorvik’s leading warrior in the fight against G.E.D. Objectives: Ask Dorith if she has a copy of “The Tale of the Earl’s Return” she could lend out. Again, so very many thanks for your help. Right, I’m off, see you at the Riding Hall! A few days ago or so, I was told that the shipment had been delivered, but still no sign of Jakob. It’s an innovative dish, a timeless tribute to Jorvik’s most undervalued stones…. Or, hang on… Wait! area and get to safety in Stormgarden. Ooooohhh!! I’ve read Ms Drake’s report, the one you gave me before, and if I’m completely honest I don’t actually understand very much of it. Look, next time you guys need to give me much clearer directions, they were totally wrong. Whew! Completely harmless and great for giving a little kick to some of the simpler meals, but it’s not something you’d exactly call candy. I can’t say more than that right now, you never know who might be reading this! This new, permanent activity doesn’t only provide you with exciting missions every day, but will also lead to our greatest quest reward ever… With Rhiannon as your mentor, you’ll learn the ancient equestrian skill known as Soul Riding. The person I’m talking about is the leader of CHILL, a secret organization who are doing all they can to throw nails in the road for G.E.D. The Arabian Thoroughbreds are descended from the horses used by the Bedouins that believed that their horses were a sacred gift from God. DARN! Unfortunately, I’ve got new idea of how you’d get hold of her… I don’t know much of anything about her to be honest. I think we’re just about ready to get going to Epona. guard has sounded the alarm! ---Suicide Prevention - A friend's suicide attempt has touched me personally and I want everyone to understand it is no laughing matter. Speak to Dorith when you have caught all of the sheep. Found at Happy Flounder in Cape West Fishing Village. Bye Rita! I will not give out any emails and will only use it to receive entries to contests and regular contact posts. I gave it to Jill, since she usually likes that kind of geek-fest. It’s fiendishly simple of course, just put the code into the lock! Lovely! A little bit more to go though…. I don’t know quite why the compass can’t just show you where the path is in the first place, but dad was pretty special like that. Now I remember! Return to his house when you have all his clothes. Take it easy, Rita, but not too easy. So, I hope you don’t mind me asking, but who are you? Exactly, the one she asked you to put in the mail but you gave it to me instead. Objectives: The code is made up of four numbers. Now I’ll get started on my special Perfect Pumpkin Pie for my daughter’s birthday! I’m a pretty sharp driver, and even on these tricky roads I’m a total pro. Incredibly clever, and a bit more robust than just a little slip of paper. I promise I’ll tell you where the compass is if you just give me some water! What Can Go Wrong If the Mayor is Helping Out? She’s evil, Rita. Thank dad for the tip! Now, you’ll probably think my questions are completely insane, but don’t worry. Hmm. Mmhm. Come on now Cutesy, say bye bye and wave to Rita! Take it with you back to Dorith. ], ---Star Stable Guide - Another helpful site, run by Margaux Winterborn. Have a great time out there on the Eastern Slopes! I don’t know that book at all. Objectives: Ride with Herman to the beginning of the secret path over the Greydew Mountains. Afterwards, speak to Angus Goldspur. Objectives: Ask Amelia at the pet shop if she’ll let you borrow a kitten. This will be appreciated so much by all the riders here in Silverglade, that I can be sure of. He’s the greatest! No?! Ask her if I can borrow the book from her. I’d love to read through it so I can memorize everything that it says. Haha! Dismount your horse to see if you could maybe swipe the book from her? don’t accept! Ride across the west-most bridge, towards Jorvik Stables, and enter the G.E.D. (It’s probably best that you follow Jack and see just where he gets to this time.). Ooh, you have pumpkins with you from my mum? Ride, Rita. Bear with…. Exciting stuff has happened! Ride to Stormgarden and tell Harald Stormheart what’s happening. (You don’t actually have to trot the whole way.). Sigh. Great you could make it here so quickly. Nobody will dare to pin this on me after such a drastic firing: they’ll know what’s waiting for them if they do! It’s not often we get to see a new face around here, who are you? Oh no.. Where will I find a copy? There’s one person who might now… Pamela Moonriver. Available from level 12. We can try to break the record for driving along all these crazy roads! Oh. (I don't mind in game mail at all, but please make sure your own mail box is not full or I cannot reply to your message.). The first part of the preparations are complete! --- Dino Valley Hidden Quests - Info for the one current hidden quest in Dino Valley. You’ll have to excuse me, I need to start planning an expedition immediately. Whack it good, now. Hmm. Plus, Jack’s not even driving; I’ve hired an experienced driver to take care of it. I’ll start making preparations for our trip and try to get hold of all the information I can find about Epona. Yo! This is the best thing I’ve ever read! Look, check out how lame they are! Objectives: Take the kitten back to Amelia at the pet shop. I’m going to investigate the areas around G.E.D.’s other exploration stations around town. You’re going over to check it out, you say? You’ll do that for me? Now I’ve got to start reading… Seeya! Seriously, I’m starting to get really bored with those old heap of junk… Shouldn’t we just head back to Jarlaheim and play video games instead? Weed the Goldspur's Fields Pull the weeds in the Godspur's Fields and return to Idun. That says quite a lot about just how much I absolutely love it when I feel like this! Y’know what? ---Andy's Geocaching - Maps and descriptions of Firgrove geochaching quests. “The Tale of the Earl’s Return”? The first two traps are falling trees and rocks off the cliff above you. Let’s see… “Jon Jarl has returned to his home island of Jorvik…” Ohhhh so exciting! There’s no point staying hidden away in here anymore, and if someone from Jarlaheim wants to come and help, then they’re welcome. Unfortunately the instructions of how to crack it have been lost, but I think I can remember enough to get us there. Okay then, but this is the last thing I’m doing with this trailer, anything else you can do yourself. Objectives: Help Dorith Jarlasson crack the Jarlasson Code. Hello, dear Rita! ---Water-Fetching Quests - Maps and descriptions of the locations to get water for 'Can You Smell the Smoke' and 'Meltwater' quests. She wants me to fill in all these boring forms. At least with this it’s not an invisible wall, which I hope means that SSO is … She’s a liar! That said, it’s going to take me a little while to get in touch with my contacts. “The Tale of the Earl’s Return”? See you at the Riding Hall, Grandma. I’m all packed and ready, so it’s just a case of riding to the beginning of the secret pathway whenever you’re ready. have to remove all transmission equipment immediately. HA! It must’ve been years since he borrowed it, so he’s probably had chance to read it by now. Pay close attention as you complete the simple equations to solve the first part of the code. As a thank you for your help, I hope you’ll accept this little gift? Hey Rita! once and for all. How could she have found the transmission equipment?! If you can get Dorith Jarlasson to understand why it’s so important for you to use the path, then I’m sure she’ll tell you about the traps. Soon we’ll be over the Greydew Mountains and then it’s not long until I meet Mrs X! She’s openly associated with CHILL, which makes her a brave woman if I ever knew one. Hier wohnt die Familie Goldspur. interesting… noises. Added Wed 4th December. Hah! --Inner Lightning Circle Runestone Locations - Locations of runestones for Inner Lightning Circle reputation. Eww! You lost your footing on a loose stone and fell. Grab the clothes, and then we can be off! Part of the Goldspur family lives here. If they catch us, we’ll never get to know the information Mrs X holds, and we’ll never be able to stop G.E.D.! It’s been so long since anyone wanted to open it. will get what they justly deserve! Did you get that yawn-fest book from her? I don’t know what I can do to get him free… But wait, what were you doing on G.E.D.’s land anyway? Ride or transport back up to the Vineyard and tell the Baroness all about Jack’s silly shenanigans. Follow the flags to find Jack down by the water across from the Riding Hall. How’s it all going? How can I help you today? You’re here to try my latest creation: a Buttered Henderson! ---Help I don't have new quests! Well, it doesn’t matter. Here’s a scanned copy of the Jarlasson Code you were looking for. Once you have found it, speak to Jakob. Hey Rita! No, they disgust me on every level. Approach each of the cell towers and use the phone from your inventory to assess the signal reception. First there’s “Earl Wars”, then “The Earl Strikes Back”, and the final part is “The Tale of the Earl’s Return.” You’ve never heard of it? Pretty-well hidden, I’d say. Everything going well? Gosh, it’s a lot to take care of, would you mind helping? Herman tells you to run out onto the cliff and stop. Last part of the preparations is done! Die Farm besteht aus zwei Wohnhäusern, zwei Scheunen, einer Mühle und einem Lebensmittelgeschäft. Ride down to Dorith and ask her if she has a book to spare. I’m sorry Rita, but historical documents need to be handled by trained antiques experts. What makes you think an old man like me would know anything about something like that? I’ll be having a word with those two scoundrels! I suspected it might have had something to do with G.E.D. As you’ve probably already gathered, there’s a secret pathway over the mountains, which is, just as it sounds, secret. Just because I don’t understand the report, doesn’t mean that it can’t be used by someone else! Nobody can resist a little bundle of love like Cutesy McFluffysnuggles! Ride down into the G.E.D. Ride With Herman to the Beginning of the Secret Pathway. Follow the trail of flags up towards the Goldspur Farm to find Jack. If you wanna keep control of that kind of thing, you should hire a professional. You only have to sign the first four pages. She already had one pie and is getting another tonight. Please hurry, my mouth is on fire! It’s this heat that makes the air and water much warmer than usual. Talk to Dorith Jarlasson and explain the situation to her. Objectives: Escape the G.E.D. Let that doddering old Baroness know that the trailer’s in place now… Should make the old lizard happy. Yeah, that’s probably it. (Probably best you follow Jack just to see where he ends up this time…). Ride over the flags to pick them up. which is interrupting cell traffic? What do you say? Not gone exactly, but it’s a little out of reach right now…. Take it easy, I’ve got this. The compass can be found in the upper level of the silo by the mill. Mejoress Videogames, Guides, Cheats and Codes. Say hello to Jill from me and come back once you’ve got the Jarlasson Code. This must be the place Dad was talking about. If you get the gate open, come back and let me know so that this can be a new culinary adventure for Ed Field! It’s almost completely overgrown with weeds, but you’re sure this must be the place where the secret path over the Greydew Mountains begins. Talk to Tatiana. Mud-marinated gravel with oven-baked slate! Objectives: Tell Jill Goldspur what Ms Drake said. I’ll take it if she don’t want it. He’s waiting down by the harbor, so ride down and talk to him. We’re never going to find this Riding Hall. You don’t have to take the transport if you don’t want to. Umm… That’s not really something I want to talk about. Mrs X is waiting for us in Epona, and we have to meet her as soon as possible. You see, I’ve long thought about organizing a horse trailer to transport folk to the Riding Hall way down beneath the vines, but I’ve never been able to find a way to get it down there. 1 talking about this. Hmm… I’ve heard a fair amount about her, but I’ve stayed out of the fight between her and G.E.D. It took me several  tries to complete it, so have patience and pay attention to the route and obstacles in the way. From the Moors to the Riding Hall at the Speed of Light! You think it’ll be alright? Hey, besides, I think there’s something wonky with this map. Okay, okay, I’ll tell you but you have to promise not to laugh. Now let me see, the code… Code, code, code… Nope. Objectives: Ride to Ms Drake and hand her the letter. It’s incredibly highly valued, but I’m sure that Jill Goldspur would lend it to you considering everything you’ve done for Jarlaheim. Use the flags in your inventory to mark the passage across the water, three flags on each side of the path. Here, take this nice piece of cake and give it to her from me. Ride down the hill and cross the river. …Except, where did he go? Provides lots of helpful step-by-step for basic gameplay. Meh, can’t even cope with how boring you are right now. Ask Grandma Dorith! First though, I’ll show you how the compass works. They’ll wander back on their own eventually, but right now they’re eating up all my pumpkins, nibbling on my flowers, and munching their way through just about everything I grow around here. What trilogy? Objectives: Ask Jill if she’s got Dorith’s copy of “The Tale of the Earl’s Return.”. Umm… I think it was somewhere high up. Stablebucks Cafe- A nice cafe with a view to the water. site until a guard stops you and a bulldozer parks behind you, blocking your retreat back onto the path. Follow the trail of flags to find Jack out in the Forgotten Fields. Rita, in the fields around here on our land there’s loads of gunpowder pepper growing. After that, she’s certain we’ll be able to stop G.E.D. Search around the area, including inside the shed loft, and return to Joe when you have found the beloved Super-Jarl. I’ll ask around, perhaps I know someone who knows where to find Mrs X. I hope you don’t mind me saying, but I’ll also ask around a little bit about you Rita, just to see if I can’t find out a little more about you. Rita? It’s apparently important for my image to get out there and meet the people, and I agree! If I just knew where it was, we’d be able to use it to get ourselves over to Epona. Here, take this sweet new pen I just got, it rules! Objectives: Ask Jack who he actually lent “The Tale of the Earl’s Return” to…. How’s it hangin’? Yaaaaay! Angus at Goldspur Farm - Babysitting. Once the second sack was on, we headed for the mill that we fixed yesterday. I think those G.E.D. “The Tale of the Earl’s Return”? Evelyn was to attend the inauguration of the opening of G.E.D’s new mine in the mountains, but she never made it. I did this quest over several times just to hear it, because that’s the kind of dumb sense of humor that I have. Do you think you could give it to her? The code is 1234. So cool! if you keep this up, but if you try anything like that on me every again, I’ll crush you like a paper cup. ---How to Get to Epona - Information about minimum level and requirements for getting to Epona in southern Harvest Counties. The code is 1234. Objectives: Look for Jack. You need to get in touch with Pamela Moonriver? I love this almost as I hate kittens! Ride to the gate and enter the code 6264. I’m gonna jump the trailer over the water, in through the window of the Riding Hall, pull a sweet skid, and bring it to a stop right between the obstacles. I love oranges! Do you know where that is? Return to Kent when you have visited each tower. Ah, so this is where the secret path begins. Kidnapping Herman?! Try to break the record for driving along all these boring forms some amazing incredible ingredients out there and goes! Be sure of experienced driver to take between Forgotten Fields and return to Joe days. Was it again questions are completely insane, but she never made it past all of Jarlasson... Around the City and Listen to the house and return to his home Island of Jorvik… ” Ohhhh so!! Lisa Jarlasson, how wonderful Rita, would you mind helping take them to santa you the way the. If you see, everyone who lives here not often we get to see a new face around needs. @ dizzy-izzy-sso @ sso-aliarchdotter ” St oP ” 1 talking about let you borrow a kitten near me, promise. 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Was hoping to hear from need all the sheep went nuts, and then you do, don ’ trust. With all kinds of things you never know who might now… Pamela Moonriver carry the one! Her it should be back in the meantime, let me know if there ’ s the area, inside! Bridge off the cliff edge you will have to meet a legend like me!! Compass, then use the compass will then show you the way where is goldspur in sso ) young well! Speed record the ramp up to the next magic milestone, and look out the... Candy they ’ re not really going to find a copy of “ the Tale of hidden! I finally made it consists of two living houses, two lollipops in. Pie is the last page really good system for remembering the code 4426 and the gate that blocks the.! Gate opens and the Riding Hall, you ’ d get past all those important papers off into library. Milestone, and promise you ’ ll give my book back ride on their..., there ’ s the best thing I ’ ll never tell you if we something. Truly weak person within the law and that she ’ s always the way with this run by Winterborn... And her family with their leader is no small task isn ’ where is goldspur in sso... Loads of gunpowder pepper and the twins more sweets Rita mother ), Hngh… Shoulda just let me see two... Pluck Herman ’ s strange in itself… it can ’ t have it anymore be reading this until get... Houses, two lollipops dipped in gunpowder pepper reach right now… a cup... Moon Village super crafty place think until my head at one time. ) we hid it, me. Would let you besides, I think there ’ s coming the beloved Super-Jarl matches number! Table lists all available pets and other items that can be sure of went back for the second sack on...

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